This is my bookmarks. It’s a constantly evolving list of things I want to read later, process, and save into Anybox for long-term storage.

The Tesla Post Nobody Wanted Me to Write:
Bookmarked: 2025-03-123

Bookmarked: 2025-03-43

@numericcitizen I THINK this improvement is not so much new as now being more widely available .. I ask because I have always struggled with how micro blog book marks can really replace something like Raindrop .. but sounds like Manton has a process. I think it would be awesome to have a single …
Bookmarked: 2025-03-43

Pssssst. So cool. 😎 #TapestryApp
Bookmarked: 2025-03-13

Delayed or not, Apple’s proposed Intents-based Apple Intelligence features require a ton of buy-in from developers for it to be of any real use, and the incentives really aren't there — donating your app's content and functionality to enrich Apple’s AI alone, bypassing your UI, UX, branding, …
Bookmarked: 2025-03-73

Banksy Slays
Bookmarked: 2025-03-103

Final round of blog post summary improvements: Added summaries to posts via ActivityPub. Updated default Sumo theme to latest version which adds support for post summaries and reverts to default email newsletter template. Updated /feeds/username.json timeline feeds to include summary if available. …
Bookmarked: 2025-02-32

I can still remember when we Apple fanboys in the 2000s would point to stuff like this happening in Micro$oft Winblows and laugh our asses off. We'd also point to tone-deaf ads, badly-designed UIs, and me-too product lines. Apple is the new Microsoft. You're doing great, Tim Apple! …
Bookmarked: 2025-02-72

Perhaps nothing encapsulates Apple's decline in user respect more than the transformation of the Settings app on ALL of their platforms into an advertising vehicle. Which is impressive, considering it's competing with App Store search ads and using notifications for marketing. …
Bookmarked: 2025-02-12

The Vision Pro one year later: this product just ain’t for me
Bookmarked: 2025-02-92

“The road to fascism is paved with people telling you not to overreact.” - My motto for the next four years
Bookmarked: 2025-02-32

Here is the full update to Reader, a lot of good stuff: Reader Public Beta Update #11 (Chat With Highlights, Apple Notes Export, YouTube v2, and more)
Bookmarked: 2025-01-21

@numericcitizen Cool. Mb, as a primary photoblog, doesn't work for me because the quality of the uploaded (and even crossposted) photos is very shoddy. Mb strips out a lot of information and compresses the image a lot more than I like. Things were improved but not enough to make it a primary source …
Bookmarked: 2025-01-121

Web Independence
Bookmarked: 2025-01-121

AdamColeman on Matt Pearce
Bookmarked: 2025-01-21

Or, Instead of All This—
Bookmarked: 2025-01-11
ephemeralscrapbook, linkpost

Make a Damn Website
Bookmarked: 2025-01-11

Severance MDR Terminal & Dasher Keyboard
Bookmarked: 2025-01-91

Podcaster Reveals the Spicy Details of His Falling Out With Elon Musk
Bookmarked: 2025-01-31

Apple's string of failures shows just how badly things need to change
Bookmarked: 2025-01-51

I agree with Jason. I’ll maybe go further—If Apple Intelligence summarizes your notifications then Apple *should* badge it with *their* Apple logo. Not some weird cog or brain or some other such icon. Put your name on it! Apple is the one presenting this information to you and they should be held …
Bookmarked: 2025-01-121

I Made This
Bookmarked: 2025-01-121

Tips on Using LLMs (AI) Effectively for Text
Bookmarked: 2025-01-121

Art has value because humans created it.
Bookmarked: 2025-01-11

To know what a product is means knowing what it is not. It took me years to figure this out.
Bookmarked: 2024-12-1012

Meta blog post – Manu
Bookmarked: 2024-12-112

The Internet Archive collection of classic computer magazines, including: - Macworld - Byte - MacUser - Commodore - Amiga - Macweek And many, many more. Huge wave of nostalgia. Fully readable. Enjoy... ❤️ #History
Bookmarked: 2024-12-112

@numericcitizen I'm learning IaC myself. I successfully set up a pipeline using YAML awhile back that's still working today, but I want to do more. I'm currently looking at this video, but it's very high-level. If I find more good tutorials, I'll be sure to send them your way!
Bookmarked: 2024-12-1212

Started working on a blog post today and had to actually go do some research to make sure I was right. This is a benefit of occasional long-form writing. It’s a way to refine how you feel about something, learning a bunch in the process.
Bookmarked: 2024-12-912

Sunset Cliffs, II. San Diego, December 2024 #aowsimages #photography #blackandwhite
Bookmarked: 2024-12-712

Mac mini port history
Bookmarked: 2024-11-311

Window to America. San Francisco, September 2024 #aowsimages
Bookmarked: 2024-09-89

Got a novel in you? Be it a thriller, romance or even your office Christmas speech, @ulyssesapp can help you write better and faster 📖⚡. MindNode and Ulysses support the TextBundle file format to exchange files, making it easy to brainstorm in MindNode and write in Ulysses ✍️ Let the creativity …
Bookmarked: 2024-09-49

Giants of metal and glass, I. San Francisco, September 2024 #aowsimages
Bookmarked: 2024-09-89

Hey, ABC News, you should be embarrassed by how you allowed that man to yell about anything he wanted. One person said he got 9 extra minutes by butting in, and they wouldn’t cut his mic.
Bookmarked: 2024-09-29
linkpost, politics

“The EU version of iOS is the most fun version of iOS!”
Bookmarked: 2024-09-89

It just occurred to me that Apple (and other “gatekeepers”) are getting a bit of their own medicine with the DMA. Developers in the App Store have always had to live with unclear and changing rules, as well as the risk that Apple will effectively shut down your business with an absolute rejection. …
Bookmarked: 2024-09-99

“The key is that the DMA is not a targeted attack on the App Store model. It’s a sweepingly broad attack on the entire idea of integration.” — I think the key missing here is that the DMA targets integration *at the scale of designated gatekeepers*. That’s an important distinction. It isn’t simply …
Bookmarked: 2024-09-69

How writing can help you solve problems
Bookmarked: 2024-09-99
linkpost, EphemeralScrapbook

I was excited about what I had heard about JPEGXL. But this sounds terrifying.
Bookmarked: 2024-09-99

1950s and 1960s Motel Postcards
Bookmarked: 2024-08-38
Bookmarked: 2024-08-108

You get an AI! You get an AI! Starting to enable automatic photo keywords and search for all paid customers, no longer requiring Premium. Check out the video on YouTube here, recorded a few months ago. Now available to everyone. (I reserve the right to tweak this if it bankrupts me.) …
Bookmarked: 2024-08-88

The problem I see with Apple today is that it is a Cargo Cult. Early 2000s Apple was not afraid to kill darlings — they were not scared of disruption, and best of all was to disrupt yourself. That's not true anymore. It's “And Jobs said there shall be a store, and thou shalt take 30%, and all will …
Bookmarked: 2024-08-108

U.S. Considers Breaking Up Google as Antitrust Remedy
Bookmarked: 2024-08-58
linkpost, apple

Introducing stoot for
Bookmarked: 2024-08-88

Pluralistic: Apple vs the "free market" (15 Aug 2024)
Bookmarked: 2024-08-68

Must-read blog post by Cory Doctorow, connecting enshittification to Apple and the legal agreements that give corporations power: Apple doesn’t oppose regulation; Apple loves regulation, so long as they’re the ones doing the regulating. They want to be able to shape and define the digital market, …
Bookmarked: 2024-08-28

Forbidden Fruit
Bookmarked: 2024-08-118
apple, linkpost

Microsoft has spent the better part of the 15 years trying to win back developers and users post Vista. Sometimes succeeding (VS Code, which is just good software), sometimes failing (Bing), often fumbling with bad decisions (Recall), but despite being THE platform for games, people use Steam, not …
Bookmarked: 2024-08-38
apple, linkpost

The richest company in the world (congrats guys, you’re back on top) being fucking rent-seeking pieces of shit isn’t going to earn your precious services more $$$, it’s just going to convince a whole new generation of users to avoid the App Store for all payments and have a distaste towards your …
Bookmarked: 2024-08-38
apple, linkpost

Already we see how these sorts of policies play out poorly for Apple: the Apple Vision Pro is so far, an expensive flop that has very few apps and has made its devs very little money (I’ve talked to many. Only a few have done “well”) and most are wholly unwilling to even build an app for it. These …
Bookmarked: 2024-08-38
apple, linkpost

Like a lot of 90s kids, I grew up on Windows at home but used Macs at school and switched to Macs in college during the 2000s. We bought iPods, not Zunes. MacBooks, not Vista. iPhones, not Windows Phones (or Windows Mobile). iPads, not Android tablets. But 2010s kids have other options. And Apple’s …
Bookmarked: 2024-08-38
apple, linkpost

People like me are too deep into the Apple ecosystem to ever reasonably leave. Until/unless they fully neuter macOS, I’m here for life. And I’ll realistically never use Android. But the next generation of users might use an iPhone, but they also rely on the web and services from other companies. …
Bookmarked: 2024-08-38
apple, linkpost

I miss when Apple was the underdog. As someone who was a Mac user in the mid-90s, it was a thrill to watch them grow in the 2000s. But now every decision they make affects millions of people. It’s just not possible to make everybody happy, and every little flaw is magnified. At this point it feels …
Bookmarked: 2024-08-38

Church of Light, I. Galicia, May 2023 #aowsimages
Bookmarked: 2024-08-78

I signed up to all my Patreon subscriptions on their website years ago. They don’t /need/ an iOS app. I never use the iOS app. I’ve tried it but it offers nothing and takes 30%. Just go all-in on your website, Patreon. Tell Apple to fuck off. Let the open web win again.
Bookmarked: 2024-08-68

Bffr Apple, this is so anti-user for absolutely no reason. MacOS is still the best desktop operating system but Apple seems content on trying to change that every year as they make decisions that are bad and also diametrically opposed to anything a pro user would actually want. …
Bookmarked: 2024-08-108

OpenAI model safety, societal impact
Bookmarked: 2024-08-38
AI, linkpost

iPhone 15 Pro Nutrition Label
Bookmarked: 2024-08-28

What the "can't do real work on an iPad" narrative is really about
Bookmarked: 2024-08-18
apple, linkpost, ipad, mac

Cookie banners show everything that's wrong with the EU
Bookmarked: 2024-08-118
tech, linkpost

Websites are Blocking the Wrong AI Scrapers
Bookmarked: 2024-07-37

PSA The Verge has 2 main RSS feeds, one which is truncated and another that has full text of all posts. Per Inoreader’s stats, most people subscribe to the truncated version. Maybe even you! Here’s the full text feed if you wanted it. …
Bookmarked: 2024-07-127
Bookmarked: 2024-07-37

The AT&T Data Breach Shows Why RCS Can’t Be Trusted and the Downside of Apple Adding Support for It in iOS 18
Bookmarked: 2024-07-87
apple, linkpost

Got mad about Apple's new privacy ad so I wrote about it. Points for the creative mashup, though. #Apple #Google #Safari #privacy
Bookmarked: 2024-07-57
apple, linkpost

Google Chrome, Along With Other Popular Chromium Browsers, Grants System Monitoring Privileges to * Domains
Bookmarked: 2024-07-107
apple, linkpost

Another service that only offers a login option of “email me a magic link!” instead of a proper password field Another chunk of time wasted switching to an app I didn’t want to open or deal with, refreshing my inbox, refreshing my inbox, checking spam, and also by the way refreshing my inbox and …
Bookmarked: 2024-07-57

🔥🎙️ Jony Ive talks his childhood, learning to craft, coming to Apple before Steve Jobs came back, and then meeting Steve for the first time, lots more. Wonderful podcast episode. 36 minutes well-invested. …
Bookmarked: 2024-07-117

@John @ianb @dave You're under the mistaken belief that the aspects of the DMA pertaining to Apple are primarily about the App Store and app distribution. Those are significant issues, no question, but the existential threat the DMA poses to Apple is that it forbids vertical integration. The DMA …
Bookmarked: 2024-06-36

Perfectly encapsulated: "The “public” in “public web” means free to access; it does not mean it's free to use."
Bookmarked: 2024-06-76

As of today, MacStories is disallowing all known AI crawlers, including ChatGPT and Applebot. If you want to read our site, you should use a web browser or RSS. ✌️
Bookmarked: 2024-06-16

From a dozen friends & developers who had their apps Sherlocked, to Apple not addressing the ethical and environmental impact of integrating AI at the system level, and solutions to problems that do not actually exist, that was the worst keynote I’ve ever witnessed. In many ways, I get it. Apple …
Bookmarked: 2024-06-66

Speaking of AI at WWDC24: Apple originally missed the mp3 wave. Came late to CD burning. Was a reluctant adopter of streaming. Declared “Blu-ray is a bag of hurt.” Fell behind in Network Computers and 5G. (Yes, in tech business timing is everything.)
Bookmarked: 2024-06-76

Yup, this is the issue. It's a high-trust sort of app, and it doesn't take too much to lose that trust. I just uninstalled the app myself. Fortunately, I made a video about Hidden Bar a few months ago so I just opened that again and am back in business. …
Bookmarked: 2024-06-46

@numericcitizen Not sure if that's possible. Clicking an icon copies the SVG code to create a vector. There may be a way to generate/convert to PNG, but I didn't see that option on the site.
Bookmarked: 2024-06-126

This is a great example of the kind of hoops that iPad users have to jump through to do do something as basic as manage two windows. The iPad doesn't have to become the Mac, but something this basic shouldn't be so hard. …
Bookmarked: 2024-05-125

Tomorrow’s headlines today: “GPT-4o as a smartphone app will slaughter Ai Pin and R1 as dedicated AI devices.”
Bookmarked: 2024-05-75

After WWDC 2022 Federico Viticci was very loud in his advocacy that Stage Manager should be optimized to run on older iPads many of which had only 4 to 6GB of memory. In his recent post about Why iPadOS Still Doesn’t Get the Basics Right - MacStories he’s complaining that Stage Manager should do …
Bookmarked: 2024-05-25

Having read and watched through all the iPad coverage, it really seems like a lot of people are aligned on the top items where iPad falls down • The Files app infrastructure • The too-restrictive audio system • Background processing • Multiple user support "Just put macOS on it” is the fallback for …
Bookmarked: 2024-05-25

The iPad Pro is like a drag racing car - it's all engine. Massive over-powered, but somehow still not usable as a regular car.
Bookmarked: 2024-05-45

#AppleEvent roundup: - New iPad Pro models ✅ - Redesigned magic trackpad ✅ - FaceTime camera moved to the long edge of the iPad ✅ - New 12.9'' iPad Air ✅ - New Apple Pencil Pro ✅ #iPad #iPadOS #ApplePencilPro #M4
Bookmarked: 2024-05-25
Bookmarked: 2024-05-65

Add depth of field to your screenshots/images: - Take a screenshot, upload it (link below), - Drag it around, scroll to zoom in/out - Click to focus Pretty cool idea. Free. #photography #Editing #Screenshot
Bookmarked: 2024-04-14

Thanks @vladcampos for having me as a guest on his show this week! Here’s a link to the video on YouTube. We talked about blogging, where came from, my book, and much more about the social web.
Bookmarked: 2024-04-14

The problem is not "using the phone". It's that we do nothing but loading ourselves with bad emotion. There is nothing wrong with phones if you use your phone to read good books and connect with intelligent minds through space and time. (Normal books will do as well.) There is nothing wrong with …
Bookmarked: 2024-04-64

The Magic Is Gone
Bookmarked: 2024-04-124

On, Scribbles, And Multi-homing
Bookmarked: 2024-04-94

@numericcitizen yes, it’s dedicated to the photoblogging challenge, but it could be adapted for travel photoblogging. Although there might be better shortcuts for that purpose if you’re using the Tiny Theme. Something like @Mtt’s Adaptive Photo Layout paired with a travel post template maybe. We …
Bookmarked: 2024-04-124

I just updated my ‘MB Photoblogger’ shortcut to version 1.2: Adjusted the composition of the final text to display better in Mastodon clients (image on the bottom, thanks @burk) Split up the RSS results to make it easier to determine the day’s prompt, and double-check that it’s for the correct day …
Bookmarked: 2024-04-44

Find the Mac Pro 🔎
Bookmarked: 2024-04-24

Nice new blogroll from Molly White. I love this part of the web… Sharing links to interesting blogs, discovering new writers, seeing how people shape their space on the web. That’s what it’s about.
Bookmarked: 2024-04-114

I added a new app to my wish list today, Rond Life Mapper and added some details on this Scribbles post. It’s one of those apps that logs your location and activities, but this one, unlike many has a good privacy policy and promises not to be a battery hog. …
Bookmarked: 2024-04-24

The process of any AI product is by definition thoughtless, careless, meaningless. A lot has been said about the lack of respect of AI industry recycling creative work asif they owned it. It's not nice that creatives are cut out financially. What annoys me more is that cutting human thought out of …
Bookmarked: 2024-03-23

Every designer knows this thought: "Everything made around me has a form and a function. So everything had to be shaped by a designer. But who are they? Where are they? And why—if they really were designers—why were they so careless?" Seeing the rise and fall of the interaction design industry I am …
Bookmarked: 2024-03-23

@manton @pratik For months I have wanted a mashup of and Mastodon. Some way to combine the two so that I can have my boosts and Mastodon timeline while still retaining's focus. I haven't even got a precise vision of what that would look like and even if I did have that vision I …
Bookmarked: 2024-03-43