This is my bookmarks. It’s a constantly evolving list of things I want to read later, process, and save into Anybox for long-term storage.

The Enshittification of Search Continues
Bookmarked: 2024-07-57

The Enshittification of Search Continues:
Bookmarked: 2024-07-57

iPhone 17 Lineup Specs Detail Display Upgrade and New High-End Model
Bookmarked: 2024-07-117

Seems like technology mono-cultures are as susceptible to catastrophic collapse as any other. Kind of seems like something worth taking note of.
Bookmarked: 2024-07-37
Bookmarked: 2024-07-37

The AT&T Data Breach Shows Why RCS Can’t Be Trusted and the Downside of Apple Adding Support for It in iOS 18
Bookmarked: 2024-07-87
apple, linkpost

Taboola + Apple News? No thanks
Bookmarked: 2024-07-97
apple, linkpost

Got mad about Apple's new privacy ad so I wrote about it. Points for the creative mashup, though. #Apple #Google #Safari #privacy
Bookmarked: 2024-07-57
apple, linkpost

Google Chrome, Along With Other Popular Chromium Browsers, Grants System Monitoring Privileges to * Domains
Bookmarked: 2024-07-107
apple, linkpost

Another service that only offers a login option of “email me a magic link!” instead of a proper password field Another chunk of time wasted switching to an app I didn’t want to open or deal with, refreshing my inbox, refreshing my inbox, checking spam, and also by the way refreshing my inbox and …
Bookmarked: 2024-07-57

🔥🎙️ Jony Ive talks his childhood, learning to craft, coming to Apple before Steve Jobs came back, and then meeting Steve for the first time, lots more. Wonderful podcast episode. 36 minutes well-invested. …
Bookmarked: 2024-07-117

@numericcitizen Yes, I'm pretty much siding with this, and it seems similar for each and every technology established within, say, the last two decades: We didn't have enough time so far to comprehend most of the implications of using these tools, the pitfalls and threats, the side-effects and …
Bookmarked: 2024-07-87

@John @ianb @dave You're under the mistaken belief that the aspects of the DMA pertaining to Apple are primarily about the App Store and app distribution. Those are significant issues, no question, but the existential threat the DMA poses to Apple is that it forbids vertical integration. The DMA …
Bookmarked: 2024-06-36

Boring Architecture Is Starving Your Brain
Bookmarked: 2024-06-76

Perfectly encapsulated: "The “public” in “public web” means free to access; it does not mean it's free to use."
Bookmarked: 2024-06-76

"Welcome to Tiny Awards 2024. Last year, we decided to launch Tiny Awards, a small prize to celebrate interesting, small, craft-y internet projects and spaces which basically make the web a more fun place to be." #web #smallWeb 🍜 Tiny Awards 2024 …
Bookmarked: 2024-06-96

As of today, MacStories is disallowing all known AI crawlers, including ChatGPT and Applebot. If you want to read our site, you should use a web browser or RSS. ✌️
Bookmarked: 2024-06-16

From a dozen friends & developers who had their apps Sherlocked, to Apple not addressing the ethical and environmental impact of integrating AI at the system level, and solutions to problems that do not actually exist, that was the worst keynote I’ve ever witnessed. In many ways, I get it. Apple …
Bookmarked: 2024-06-66

Speaking of AI at WWDC24: Apple originally missed the mp3 wave. Came late to CD burning. Was a reluctant adopter of streaming. Declared “Blu-ray is a bag of hurt.” Fell behind in Network Computers and 5G. (Yes, in tech business timing is everything.)
Bookmarked: 2024-06-76

Yup, this is the issue. It's a high-trust sort of app, and it doesn't take too much to lose that trust. I just uninstalled the app myself. Fortunately, I made a video about Hidden Bar a few months ago so I just opened that again and am back in business. …
Bookmarked: 2024-06-46

@numericcitizen Not sure if that's possible. Clicking an icon copies the SVG code to create a vector. There may be a way to generate/convert to PNG, but I didn't see that option on the site.
Bookmarked: 2024-06-126

This is a great example of the kind of hoops that iPad users have to jump through to do do something as basic as manage two windows. The iPad doesn't have to become the Mac, but something this basic shouldn't be so hard. …
Bookmarked: 2024-05-125

Tomorrow’s headlines today: “GPT-4o as a smartphone app will slaughter Ai Pin and R1 as dedicated AI devices.”
Bookmarked: 2024-05-75

We launched two new related features around replies: you can now curate other people’s replies to hide them from showing up on your own blog, and there’s a reply text box so that other people can reply on your blog without a account. Enable it on the Design page.
Bookmarked: 2024-05-25

After WWDC 2022 Federico Viticci was very loud in his advocacy that Stage Manager should be optimized to run on older iPads many of which had only 4 to 6GB of memory. In his recent post about Why iPadOS Still Doesn’t Get the Basics Right - MacStories he’s complaining that Stage Manager should do …
Bookmarked: 2024-05-25

Having read and watched through all the iPad coverage, it really seems like a lot of people are aligned on the top items where iPad falls down • The Files app infrastructure • The too-restrictive audio system • Background processing • Multiple user support "Just put macOS on it” is the fallback for …
Bookmarked: 2024-05-25

The iPad Pro is like a drag racing car - it's all engine. Massive over-powered, but somehow still not usable as a regular car.
Bookmarked: 2024-05-45

#AppleEvent roundup: - New iPad Pro models ✅ - Redesigned magic trackpad ✅ - FaceTime camera moved to the long edge of the iPad ✅ - New 12.9'' iPad Air ✅ - New Apple Pencil Pro ✅ #iPad #iPadOS #ApplePencilPro #M4
Bookmarked: 2024-05-25
Bookmarked: 2024-05-65

Add depth of field to your screenshots/images: - Take a screenshot, upload it (link below), - Drag it around, scroll to zoom in/out - Click to focus Pretty cool idea. Free. #photography #Editing #Screenshot
Bookmarked: 2024-04-14

Thanks @vladcampos for having me as a guest on his show this week! Here’s a link to the video on YouTube. We talked about blogging, where came from, my book, and much more about the social web.
Bookmarked: 2024-04-14

The problem is not "using the phone". It's that we do nothing but loading ourselves with bad emotion. There is nothing wrong with phones if you use your phone to read good books and connect with intelligent minds through space and time. (Normal books will do as well.) There is nothing wrong with …
Bookmarked: 2024-04-64

The Magic Is Gone
Bookmarked: 2024-04-124

On, Scribbles, And Multi-homing
Bookmarked: 2024-04-94

@numericcitizen yes, it’s dedicated to the photoblogging challenge, but it could be adapted for travel photoblogging. Although there might be better shortcuts for that purpose if you’re using the Tiny Theme. Something like @Mtt’s Adaptive Photo Layout paired with a travel post template maybe. We …
Bookmarked: 2024-04-124

I just updated my ‘MB Photoblogger’ shortcut to version 1.2: Adjusted the composition of the final text to display better in Mastodon clients (image on the bottom, thanks @burk) Split up the RSS results to make it easier to determine the day’s prompt, and double-check that it’s for the correct day …
Bookmarked: 2024-04-44

Read all of my Ai Pin posts from today in one place:
Bookmarked: 2024-04-54

Find the Mac Pro 🔎
Bookmarked: 2024-04-24

Wavelength for iPhone has been updated with a fix for adding new audio files with the “+” button.
Bookmarked: 2024-04-24

Nice new blogroll from Molly White. I love this part of the web… Sharing links to interesting blogs, discovering new writers, seeing how people shape their space on the web. That’s what it’s about.
Bookmarked: 2024-04-114

I added a new app to my wish list today, Rond Life Mapper and added some details on this Scribbles post. It’s one of those apps that logs your location and activities, but this one, unlike many has a good privacy policy and promises not to be a battery hog. …
Bookmarked: 2024-04-24

Improved support for receiving Bluesky replies for manually cross-posted blog posts, in addition to automatic cross-posting. Improved handling of cross-posting photos when there is an error, making cross-posting more resilient.
Bookmarked: 2024-04-74

Updated the help page about Bluesky and cross-posting to cover expanded support for receiving mentions from Bluesky.
Bookmarked: 2024-03-43

The process of any AI product is by definition thoughtless, careless, meaningless. A lot has been said about the lack of respect of AI industry recycling creative work asif they owned it. It's not nice that creatives are cut out financially. What annoys me more is that cutting human thought out of …
Bookmarked: 2024-03-23

Every designer knows this thought: "Everything made around me has a form and a function. So everything had to be shaped by a designer. But who are they? Where are they? And why—if they really were designers—why were they so careless?" Seeing the rise and fall of the interaction design industry I am …
Bookmarked: 2024-03-23

@manton @pratik For months I have wanted a mashup of and Mastodon. Some way to combine the two so that I can have my boosts and Mastodon timeline while still retaining's focus. I haven't even got a precise vision of what that would look like and even if I did have that vision I …
Bookmarked: 2024-03-43

@numericcitizen I'm glad it's been added as a feature but I don't go out of my way to look. If I click through to an interesting post I'll usually check to see if they have added a blogroll and then I'll look. But too often I just see the repetition of bigger name bloggers in which case it's not a …
Bookmarked: 2024-03-123

Hey @gruber , I can't really put my finger on it exactly, but your commentary recently has irked me. You don’t seem to bother trying to understand cultural context when talking about anything that isn't happening in the context of the US. Especially your commentary on the DMA seems narrow-minded …
Bookmarked: 2024-03-73

🥕 I was a very loyal user of Carrot Weather for many years. Like many, I tried other apps. None stuck, until Mercury came along. Today it hit me: I haven’t launched Carrot in a (very long) while.
Bookmarked: 2024-03-113

I am supportive of good legislation in tech (especially for privacy and user rights) but this Apple DOJ complaint is everything that can be bad about government tech regulation: an ignorant, pointless exercise which will likely hamper making meaningful laws that help us as users. …
Bookmarked: 2024-03-63

This new video for Humane’s pin is by far the most effective pitch they’ve made for their device. They hide the latency well by talking too. I’m sure they want it to be faster and whoever can crack AI performance is going to succeed.
Bookmarked: 2024-03-113

I stumbled upon this YouTube video on 5 ways to start journaling. As an avid journaler, I’m impressed and highly recommend that everyone watch it.
Bookmarked: 2024-03-93

@tbridge @gruber Bullshit. You’re all responsible for the worst that you do. That’s how it works. You vote. You lose. Things happen. You’re still responsible. Democracy is predicated upon a people engaged in the body politic and who take responsibility for the results. Only through that sense of …
Bookmarked: 2024-03-123

I really like this one.
Bookmarked: 2024-03-33

"Banning TikTok, rather than passing comprehensive federal privacy legislation, is nothing but xenophobic theater. China can (and does) already buy a ton of data on Americans because we refuse to pass any regulation regarding data brokers who make this data available..." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ …
Bookmarked: 2024-03-113

I just updated my ‘Publish to’ shortcut to version 1.1: Added a setup step to specify your microblog’s ID number so that posts always get sent to the right blog. (Handy if you accidentally leave set to one of your other blogs.) If left blank, it will default to the last blog …
Bookmarked: 2024-03-83

@numericcitizen Fabric Internet OS is something I would've thought you'd already have dipped a toe in... Glad to introduce you to something new!
Bookmarked: 2024-03-53

The Writer Forte: first impressions
Bookmarked: 2024-01-121

Added option for monthly email newsletters to collect posts from any category. Added support for converting hashtags in blog posts to Bluesky hashtags in cross-posting.
Bookmarked: 2024-03-33

As I transition to stricter separation between business and personal, is there a good modern KVM? I would like to easily swap between my Mac Mini and MacBook Pro. I’m using a Studio Display and pretty much all USB-C. I realize the answer may be, “USB-C dock, and plug and unplug”.
Bookmarked: 2024-03-23

Incredibly heavy, dark, and fascinating. Sound on. No spoilers...
Bookmarked: 2024-03-23

Rules for my personal blogging
Bookmarked: 2024-03-73

My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, Book Two
Bookmarked: 2024-03-83

Almost every comparison of two technologies that nominally solve the same problem falls into the same fallacy. We judge one technology on the design goals of the other and then claim supremacy because of intentional differences in trade-offs made to achieve different ends.
Bookmarked: 2024-02-52

Nazis are openly mingling and making friends at the CPAC conference, Trump is getting cheers for a speech where he promises his “ultimate and absolute revenge” and another speaker got big cheers when he promised an “end to democracy.” This is fine. …
Bookmarked: 2024-02-52

Simplified pricing in
Bookmarked: 2024-02-102

Technology Report Card 2023
Bookmarked: 2024-02-22

I think I’m Weird Online: I don’t feel the need to catch up. I don’t feel the desire to “debate for good”. I don’t require Likes and Algorithms. I don’t assume all technological advancements are good. I don’t believe anyone has a right to tell others how to spend their time, especially online. …
Bookmarked: 2024-02-22

Apple is twisting the truth
Bookmarked: 2024-02-42

We ❤️ @bonfire If you haven't had a chance to check it out, here is a great article by @deadsuperhero #bonfire #fediverse #weDistribute
Bookmarked: 2024-02-62

Size of an Apple Vision Pro display panel compared to an iPhone 15 Pro & Apple Watch Ultra.
Bookmarked: 2024-02-42

@numericcitizen No comment. Pretend you didn't see that. 🙂
Bookmarked: 2024-02-112

@numericcitizen Publish Quote Shortcut, from @jarrod, when I’m on iOS, or manually with Drafts, on macOS. Quite fast too.
Bookmarked: 2024-02-112

feeeed: Embracing Feed Diversity and Personal News Curation
Bookmarked: 2024-02-52
review, omnivored

Spent some time this weekend experimenting with browser extensions. I had avoided this too long, thinking a bookmarklet should be good enough for anyone. But it is nicer to install with a search and a click. In-progress source code over at GitHub.
Bookmarked: 2024-02-42

Folks, I think I’ve finally rationalized it. Don’t think of it as a PURCHASE. Think of it as an advanced prototype that you’ve paid Apple for the PRIVILEGE of testing.
Bookmarked: 2024-02-42

@maique Here it is:
Bookmarked: 2024-02-72

It looks like YouTube is dropping RSS feed support. I have tried to access a couple of channels I am subscribed to, and they are also returning a 404 for their channel’s feeds.
Bookmarked: 2024-01-61

Because of their decades of truly great products, Apple thinks they are more clever than anyone else. Because of their focus on privacy, Apple thinks they are righteous. Because of their financial success, Apple thinks they are more powerful than governments. The DMA will test whether they’re right. …
Bookmarked: 2024-01-41

Free idea for Apple if they want a promotion that just prints money. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the iPod — which would be November 10, 2026 — select and re-release four of the most iconic iPod models. Have a single day in which you can pre-order the devices with delivery occurring before …
Bookmarked: 2024-01-51

@numericcitizen I just created a new dedicated landing page for the theme. I like using a subdomain for these mini sites.
Bookmarked: 2024-01-101

Read this entire piece, wow, this had to be a pain to write, John. I don’t understand a lot of how this will all play out but the final paragraph is indeed delicious irony. Craig submitted iPulse for iOS to the App Store yesterday and we honestly have NO IDEA if it will pass App Store review. We had …
Bookmarked: 2024-01-111

Want a super simple RSS news reader app that's... - Beautiful and at home on iOS? - Extremely lightweight? - Removes decision fatigue? I got you →
Bookmarked: 2024-01-51

‘Insanely Great: The Apple Mac at 40’ Panel Discussion
Bookmarked: 2024-01-31

Added a JSON Feed to complement the new webmentions page. This is available under It will include basic info about incoming webmentions across all your blogs.
Bookmarked: 2024-01-41

Find the Mac Pro.
Bookmarked: 2024-01-31

We’ve rolled out a small design update to on the web, moving the sidebar to the left and giving it a background color, to better use the full screen space.
Bookmarked: 2024-01-51

Added fediverse-compatible editing for blog posts. You’ve always been able to edit microblog posts. Now those edits will be reflected on Mastodon too.
Bookmarked: 2024-01-81

Improved blog category names to better support more languages and special characters. You can now customize the category URL path independent of the category name (when editing the category).
Bookmarked: 2024-01-81

Added support for Mastodon’s “indexable” field so that posts are searchable in Mastodon. If you have the “No robots” plug-in installed, your account is excluded from Mastodon search. Fixed profile updating too. You can re-save your Account profile to notify Mastodon of changes. …
Bookmarked: 2024-01-21

A few little improvements inspired by this thread in the Help Center… Conversation pages now have an Embed link for individual replies. Fixed not re-publishing blog when reloading themes from GitHub. Added new plumbing for page type = “newsletter” so that plug-ins can access sent email newsletters. …
Bookmarked: 2024-01-81

There’s a new plug-in called “Newsletters page” for folks who have enabled email newsletters. It creates an index page at /newsletters with a list of emails that have been sent, linking to each one on the web.
Bookmarked: 2024-01-111

Added a new export option to download an archive of your blog as static HTML files, with all the photos and other uploads. Find it under Posts → “…” → Export.
Bookmarked: 2024-01-71

Added a new page to show incoming webmentions to your blog. You can find it under Account, near the Replies section. Not all webmentions make their way into actual replies in the timeline (if they’re missing the reply markup), so this can be useful to see who is linking to you. …
Bookmarked: 2024-01-61

Lowe's Style Studio, visionOS Hey look, devkit footage 🙃 /via
Bookmarked: 2024-01-31

@numericcitizen It’s possible to get the Reminders deeplink, but it’s not as seamless as Things, and takes a few more steps. Here’s a shortcut for it:
Bookmarked: 2024-01-51

John Gruber asks the relevant question for Apple’s new linking rules: Here’s a simple thought I had today regarding whether Apple’s new External Purchase Links entitlement policy is a good faith compliance with Judge Gonzales’ order: Will any developers actually choose to use it? It is hard to …
Bookmarked: 2024-01-121

I’m not ordering a Vision Pro, but I went through the buying process out of curiosity. Apple put a lot of work into this. The integration with the face scanning and web checkout is very nicely done.
Bookmarked: 2024-01-41

Ending the year with the Everyday Category was such a treat. Getting a deeper look into each and every one of your Everyday lives made for a wonderful way to wind down 2023. Enjoy your considered scroll through these photos in our Highlights. …
Bookmarked: 2024-01-11