• @abc oui en effet! πŸ’•

  • @hutaffe agree!

  • @matt I do use it and I never had an issue where I could point to PR as being the culprit..

  • @mitchw wow, sure the press is working on serious things... no wonder why people are no longer trusting anything...

  • @manton I kind of agree with you on this! I like to see progress but let's cut the chase and go to the point!

  • @MitchW Good point (about the Nazi!)

  • @MitchW there are similarities between Reddit and X.... Exhibit A: CEO is a jerk. Exhibit B: closing out APIs. If I'm not closing it, why keep it, then? For what purpose?

  • @matt oh this is strange, I just finished watching that very specific video now! And I agree. I might be more interested in getting touch on the Mac than macOS on the iPad.

  • @pixelfed more than ever we need to test these sooner than later!

  • @pixelfed new iOS beta on testflight coming soon?

  • @macrumors sounds more and more interesting... or fascinating to see this new iPhone sub line.

  • @manton this should educate us about the upcoming challenges Apple is facing in running Apple Intelligence (or a portion of it) on-device, isn't?

  • @mattbirchler I didn’t know building white corridors was that much expensive. Great series though.

  • @vincent ok, I’m ignoring! 😜

  • @manton but how could Apple resist the investors expecting recurring revenues, a trend that we see everywhere in tech these days?

  • @Munish yep, from time to time.

  • @danielpunkass I find this so refreshing as she was rather quiet as vice-president.

  • @manton Facebook is also a silo, with its own rules (clearer or not, I don’t know) but I find his comments on Apple a bit tinted with hypocrisy.

  • @matt let me just say that I’m super happy for you (and us here in Canada).

  • @pratik any official announcement about this?

  • @matt this election just got a quite different twist!

  • @macrumors no, please, no.

  • @pcora thanks for reporting. Post updated. Thanks for reading!

  • @pixelfed build 65 is the last one... when is the new one released?

  • @DaveyCraney A few people know that I'm "doing things online" and a few of them did express surprise when I told them about my writing habit... "why are you doing this and for whom?". Like if we had to write for someone else to be interested.