@Ianbradbury agree. I think it goes against the values of the founder.
@yurkevich so if the speed isn't good enough, you can go elsewhere? Got ya!
@karaswisher.bsky.social Is he conscious?
@morrick Got ya! The platforms' power is so persuasive that anything else seems helpless... thanks for your answer. One blog at a time we will bring back sanity to this world.
@vincent 👀
@morrick but then after you have a website, then what? How do you get noticed from your little and cute HTML island (a question from my dubious wife)?
@jimmitchell I do have both accounts and yes they are mixed up in my experience.
@Ianbradbury suggesting other people’s posts is also a great variation! 👍
@Ianbradbury it's a good question! The less capacity to submit would mean people would be more selective, I guess!
@vincent 😊
@jimmitchell thanks! It does! Are these photos yours? Because, wow, they are great!
@jimmitchell is it compatible with mnml theme?
@DaveyCraney I love those weekly summaries. Keep them coming. I ifeel your pain regarding photo organization challenges... my fingers are crossed too about what Apple will actually do with Photomator.
@SimonWoods that was an unexpected question...
@BasicAppleGuy and that's a pity... this thing (TikTok) is a digital cancer for society in general.
@manton being manipulative if TikTok forte, isn't it?
@morrick agreed.