Hi, this is Numeric Citizen and you are listening to the thoughts and tribulations of a compulsive creator podcast.

This is episode number two.

I am an iterative creator type of guy.

This week, I’m working on my next Friday Notes edition newsletter.

This is a newsletter that I started two years ago.

And it used to be a weekly newsletter, as the name implies.

And this is a newsletter that was inspired first by Monday Notes, which is a newsletter that used to be published by Jean-Louis Gasset, which is a former Apple employee and the founder of the Bee computer company back in the days.

And so I was inspired by this idea of creating a newsletter on a weekly basis.

And so instead of going the same way with the Monday Notes, I decided to go and set my schedule to be on the Friday Notes.

So I stopped, kind of reduced my publication pace because I couldn’t, I didn’t have enough inspiration and subjects to write about every week.

But I decided to keep it, to keep doing it.

And I’m number 100 in edition 107, but I’m doing it on a sporadic basis instead.

And the theme for this week’s edition was set a while ago, but the problem I have is I’m not the guy who is able to sit down at the computer and then write for an hour and get the thing done.

I’m more, I’m more in a piece by piece, a paragraph, one paragraph at a time type of guy.

And it’s, it’s really an iterative process.

Most of my writing results come from a iterative and somewhat endless process.

I wish I could write more easily, but it’s usually a set of disjoint ideas that eventually will form a coherent piece, but the time it takes for me to write a simple newsletter or an article on my blog, it’s way more than I think I should spend time on.

I’m not, I’m not sure if I am the only one who has this challenge, but it’s not, it’s not easy for me to sit down and I’m following a lot of bloggers who seem to write, like constantly writing all day, all night.

And, but I know they have a daytime job, but they can, they can put things out there so quickly that it’s, I’m kind of a feeling that, wow, what am I doing wrong for me to take so long to write a simple piece?

It usually starts in craft and ends up in Ulysses before being published.

And I’m always, I’m getting some help from Grammarly and ChatGPD, and also the macOS built-in dictionary and teaser feature.

Because of them, I think I can move faster a bit.

And I think my, my quality, my English quality is kind of a bit better.

As you know, maybe you don’t know, but I am a French Canadian.

So writing and thinking in English, for me, it’s not natural.

So I have to spend more time than maybe other bloggers or writers.

So yeah, that’s, that’s something that I’m stressing a lot about.

And when I’m, when I think I’m not good for commenting on time-sensitive events, like there is sometimes there’s the, the Apple events that happens a few times a year, and it takes me so long to put things together that by the time it gets published, all the attention moved elsewhere.

So I’m kind of always, I’m too late for the party each time.

So yeah, it’s, I wanted to share this with you guys, if you are listening.

And speaking of which, the Apple event for September of this year has been sent today, as I’m speaking earlier today.

And the Wanderlust name they gave to this, this year’s fall event, the invite has been sent.

I wasn’t invited.

I wonder why.

Maybe my English is not good enough.

I don’t know.


So I’m, I’m really looking forward for this event because first this year, I’m going to upgrade my two years old iPhone.

I have a iPhone 13 Pro and I will go with the Ultra this year.

If this is the name they decide to put on this iPhone, I’m going to the big phone.

It’s the first time I’ll be using the biggest phone.

And one of the reasons for that is to get the, the better telephoto lens and also a better battery life.

So yeah, I’m going to, I’m in for an upgrade this year.

I’m trying to skip a generation.

So yeah, that’s, that’s my year this year.

And I can’t wait for that to, to, to, to watch the, the event.

And also I’m expecting that we should get an updated version of the Apple Watch and the Ultra, the Series 9.

But I, I do expect to have an update on the Apple Vision Studio.

I think they will try to, to put a message that the developers are excited about this new platform.

So yeah, we should be getting an update about the Apple Vision and I can’t wait to see what they are going to talk about.

So yeah, this concludes the episode number two, already two episodes.

Don’t be shy and share your thoughts and comments on microblog, mastodon, or on blue sky, where this is cross-posted thanks to microblog’s cross-posting feature.

Thanks for listening and please, in this challenging world, in constant crisis and state of emergency, take care until the next episode.
