• I’m so proud of Celine Dion’s performance. WOW. ❤️ #openingceremony

  • Jeff Perry on Reddit deal with Google for content access exclusivity in indexing their content: The Enshittification of Search Continues

    This could set a precedent for other sites like Hacker News and Pinterest to start searching for the highest bidder to make their content exclusive on another search engine. Eventually other sites might do the same in hopes to thwart the serial scraping of their content for AI models to learn from and make a few bucks in the process. It is just another byproduct of the Enshittification of the web.

    Troubling, indeed. Emphasis is mine.

  • Seriously considering closing my Reddit account. It’s not worth it. And their corporate attitude don’t align with my values.

  • Anyone using macOS Sequoia beta 4 in here? Is it stable enough to install on a secondary Mac? Asking for a friend.

  • In iOS 18 beta 4, look at user ratings in the App Dtore and the choice Apple made for the star’s gray shades… it’s very hard to spot how many actual stars were given out of the five. Is this on purpose? 👀🧐

  • It’s 8:45 AM. The joy of running beta software. 😱👀

  • 👋🏻 I’m a little bit late, but hey, here is the newest edition of my weekly creative summary newsletter. The email edition is coming up later today. 😅

  • ⚡️West must ’let go’ of ‘irrational fears’ of escalation with Russia, FM Kuleba says. “Putin does not require any reasons to escalate. Instead, we must take the initiative and make Putin fear our next move, not the other way around,” Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said in a Reddit “Ask Me Anything” session.

    And I can’t wait for the west to wake up.

  • Today I made a template. Who knows, it might be useful to some big company.

    “We will release {insert product or service name here} over the coming months, but not in the EU due to the unpredictable nature of the European regulatory environment,” {insert company name here} said in a statement to {Insert news agency name here}.

    You are welcome.

  • Today’s CrowdStrike update is probably the most expensive update of all time in IT history. Will we really learn from it? Some big players probably will but in general, I doubt it. #crowdstrike

  • In a meeting this morning at the office, I was quick to point out that those running Macs were just fine (we’re a Microsoft shop with a few weird guys like me promoting the Mac). I got booed. I guess people in IT are masochist. #crowdstrike 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Apparently, a social network like X does not promote posts containing links to external websites. While this policy may be frustrating1, there are possible responses to this practice to consider. If someone shares a post with a link to X, you could choose not to open the link2. Encouraging others to adopt a similar stance can be an effective way to voice your opinion and influence the platform’s practices through your engagement, or lack thereof.3

    1. It is! ↩︎

    2. this is what I systematically do. ↩︎

    3. It’s a way of saying: fuck them all! ↩︎

  • You can’t make that shit up, right? WTF is wrong with them? 🫣🤮 sorry about this negative post right after a positive one. 🙃

  • Today’s positive post: it’s caseless day! I love to feel my iPhone this way in my hands! 🤗

  • The AT&T Data Breach Shows Why RCS Can’t Be Trusted and the Downside of Apple Adding Support for It in iOS 18

    Eddy Cue doesn’t lose many arguments but he lost that one. All of the effort spent pushing Apple to support RCS would have been better spent pushing Apple to ship iMessage for Android. And without a supported iMessage client for Android, that role ought to go to WhatsApp, not RCS. WhatsApp is free, secure, and works equally well on all phones.

    I think Apple made a big mistake by not shipping iMessage for Android.

  • Today’s positive post: I’m happy to have installed iOS 18 beta 3 on my phone. A few bugs here and there and glitches but nothing earth chattering. 🤗

  • Tomorrow I’m going to the Apple Store for an Apple Vision Pro demonstration. For some reasons, I’m not that excited for this. And I’m a big Apple fan. I was excited for the AVP when it came out, but like everyone else, the hype is no longer there. Apple is still working to find THE killer app or use case for this. And, something is broken with Apple these days…

  • In today’s positive post, it’s about Inoreader filtering capabilities. Without them, cutting out the noise from feeds from AppleInsider or MacRumors just to name a few obvious abusers would be impossible. These feeds are usually filled with ads disguised as posts. Filtering keywords include: Amazon, Deal, Rebate, Gift, Discount, Prime, Amazon. You get the idea.

  • Taboola + Apple News? No thanks

    Apple’s decision to strike a deal with Taboola is shocking and off-brand — so much so that I have started to question the company’s long-term commitment to good customer experience, including its commitment to privacy. As it chases more and more revenue to appease Wall Street, it’s clear Apple will become one of those companies that prioritize shareholders over paying customers and their experience.

    I hate ads. I hate ads. This is a sad day. That is not cool at all. How can Apple brags about protecting user privacy (see that ad on YouTube?) and al while serving ads through an external ads network? More than ever, Apple is becoming like everyone else and IS profiling its users, for money. I’m starting to hate Tim Cook’s Apple. As soon as I see a change in News, I’ll cancel my subscription to Apple One.

  • If Apple were to design a new router, the resulting device would likely resemble this one from Ubiquiti. The box has a similar aesthetic to Apple’s iconic networking hardware.