👉🏻Cast your votes guys! This is your chance to influence what’s next for Micro.blog! I did.
So, is Notion Calendar essentially a Google Calendar frontend? This is what Cron was? Is that right? What am I missing from my experiment? The first thing the app asks is to authenticate to my Google account. 😳
9to5Mac reporting about WhatsApp usage in the US:
The fact that more people in the US have been using WhatsApp recently is definitely intriguing. Source: WhatsApp has been getting more attention in the US
iMessage usage in Canada is probably similar to that in the US. I started using WhatsApp when I went to Morocco last summer. I also have a friend who moved from Canada to Mexico, and he switched to WhatsApp, so now I have to use WhatsApp to reach him. I must say that I like it. I also follow some news channels, just for fun. I like the messaging app format to get news; that’s why I also use Telegram for the same purpose: to follow news from Ukraine.
Finished my work day in Microsoft Loop because one of my colleagues insisted on using it for a special project. Boy, this thing sucks. After many months of availability, Loop feels more like a proof of concept than a productivity tool. I guess Microsoft will iterate on it, but so far, as a Notion user, meh.👎🏻 Sorry for the rant.
Google announcement regarding egress fees:
Starting today, Google Cloud customers who wish to stop using Google Cloud and migrate their data to another cloud provider and/or on premises, can take advantage of free network data transfer to migrate their data out of Google Cloud. This applies to all customers globally. Source: Eliminating data transfer fees when migrating off Google Cloud | Google Cloud Blog
This is major. I often see clients forget to consider the exit costs of any hyper-scaler in the TCO calculation. Getting into the cloud isn’t cheap. And up until today, getting out of the cloud wasn’t either. Now, for those on GCP, it is. I expect the others (looking at you, AWS, and Azure) to follow, maybe not this year, but they will, either by their choice or they will be forced. This is an anti-competitive measure to charge for egress fees.
For those who are new to Micro.blog, in this video, I talk about creating and managing pages and redirects on your Micro. blog-hosted website. I hope you learn something. Now, time for a wish: @jean and @manton could create a page on the help.micro.blog site referring to these videos that I’m creating for the platform1! 🙏🏻
I’m not paid for this, BTW, in case you ask. 😌 ↩︎
I’ve been testing Up Ahead the past day, and one thing is clear: software doesn’t have to be boring. Up Ahead is anything but boring1.
The screenshot was uploaded to Micro.blog using a shortcut from Jarrod Blundy. Works great. He should make it available soon on his website. ↩︎
My complete toolset page was updated to start the new year. Make sure to pay a visit if you want to make a few discoveries.
Is TextMate abandonware? The last post was in early 2020. I like this app (free). I wonder if BBEdit is the obvious replacement (which is not free!). 🤔🧐
It appears that my goal of cancelling CleanShot Cloud was not a good idea. The savings wouldn’t be that substantial. I’m paying for two Macs, which is 49$ for a one-year updates license. If new releases come out after that time, the renewal cost will be 19$ to keep receiving them. I know that I’ll be upgrading each year to stay current. Updates are relatively frequent and add value. The CleanShot Cloud brings many features and I think are worth the price difference. CleanShot is central to my workflows. I use it all the time. Pricing information is available here.
Zavala, an outliner for the Mac, iPad and iPhone, recently got a series of updates after a year of silence. I’m happy to see this app is still alive and well.
Frankly, I had to read these instructions many times but couldn’t figure it out. The Kagi Safari Extension 2.0 looks like a major change in design and how it works. They had to revert back because too many users reported issues. I understand Apple’s guidelines and privacy protection might be the root cause for this less-than-user-friendly setup.
I’ll be doing a YouTube Live tomorrow, January 7th, at 11AM EST, where I’ll discuss Craft with my cohost. The show will be in French. cc @abc
While preparing my CleanShot Cloud account closure1, I realized that I had a bad idea at some point: saving screenshots on CleanShot Cloud and referencing them in articles posted on Micro.blog, or Ghost. Closing my account will probably invalidate many links, which is really bad. 😒 It seems there are no easy way to search for past posts on Micro.blog which contains a specific URL like “cloud.numericcitizen.me/*”. Am I missing something?
CleanShot Cloud is expensive and I cannot justify its cost. I’m using a free setup based on a combination of DropShare and Backblaze instead. ↩︎
Hey Calendar First Impressions
HEY Calendar is being rolled out to a limited set of users. It will be free, and a separate app will be released for the Calendar in the near future. It’s not as controversial a take as the email counterpart. Day view and week view only, by design1. I’m not sure if this is a deal-breaker for many. Time tracking seems limited and cannot replace Toggl / Timery in my workflow. Continue reading →
Now that HEY calendar is officially rolling out, I’m curious about the time and habits tracking it comes with. Could they replace Toggl (very pricey subscription) and Timery? Who got the new calendar feature enabled?
Why do we stilll get blank widgets on iOS 17.2? Who’s to blame? Apple? The developers? A combination of both? How do we fix these?
I’m happy to see Zavala is still being updated. 😊
I’m curious: who in this room is using Apple Advanced Data Protection? If yes, are there any issues? If not, why? 🤔