About those digital attention seekers ... GTFO (#socialnetworks)
I hate it when people subscribe to my stuff, to my blog, my newsletters, or whatever, just to grab my attention and wish that I’ll follow them back. That is not the way I operate or think. I’m looking for real content, enlightenment, creativity, singularity. I rarely follow back someone unless they meet what I’m looking for online. Just saying. Continue reading →
Here is a free pro-tip for content creators (#writing #author #protip #tip)
An easy way to differentiate yourself from the crowd is to persevere with your journey of publishing your stuff out there. There are countless authors who started something only to stop after a while. Be the one who continue and keep it going. Regularity and continuity are key factors to build your online presence. I guarantee you that people will come and stick around if you meet these goals. Continue reading →
Importing HEY World Posts to Substack? @SubstackInc
Nope. Better chance next time. No easy way to ask for help either. Tried different variations of the RSS feed URL. Nope, doesn’t work. There is no option to expert from within HEY either. As you can see, looking for some easy way out of HEY World. 👨🏻💻 Continue reading →
HEY World was a fad. Using the dice feature to pop up a random HEY World website shows that the vast majority of users didn’t keep updating their feed. What could explain this lack of durable enthusiasm?
My Go-To Internet Destination for Reading: Mailbrew Website
I recently noted that I’m spending much more time on Mailbrew website for my newsletters reading rather than in HEY Feed. Why is that? Well, I think there are a few sticky features in Mailbrew that helps me better process information tidbits. First, the reading experience is great. The “Read” button next to a URL will bring a nicely formatted version of an article from a URL. Second, A “save” button is handily available for me to use if I want to keep a piece of information for later use. Continue reading →
That could prove to be quite useful! Link posts are always a pain to prepare. Thanks to @cdevroe 🙏🏻 Source: Introducing the Micro.blog Posting Bookmarklet – Colin Devroe
Friday musing
TGIF! 🙏🏻 It’s a rainy Friday here. Friday is a slow and strange day for me as a blogger and content creator. I should go more often on Flipboard. In a way, Ello makes me think of Micro.blog. It’s been a long time since my publishing pipeline has been that low. I’m catching up, I guess. My Micro.blog feed is quieter than usual; is the Ulysses effect already fading? I’m not a good podcasts listener. Continue reading →
About My Numeric Citizen Introspection newsletter
My next newsletter issue is nearly done. On Substack, I’m not a big name in the blogger sphere or a journalist dropping from places like the New York Times. Yet, I enjoy putting together this monthly newsletter, and I generally like the end results. Subscribers are staying and keep increasing over time. It’s a good sign, I guess. Are you one of them? https://numericcitizen.substack.com Continue reading →
It’s that simple: choice. That’s all we are asking, us, humans. Thinking otherwise is wrong doing. Simple. as. that. Thanks to Apple for letting me, decide, have a choice, not to be part of being a product, just be a human. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ihw_AlRNno
HEY World slowly fading... but... (#thoughts #blogging)
From time to time, I use the « HEY World Shuffle » URL to trigger the display of a randomly chosen HEY World user website. It’s funny as I never know what discovery I’ll make. I see a lot of users who made their first try of the service in its early days by sending random thoughts. The vast majority of users didn’t bother to continue but a few did, and there are a few gems to discover. Continue reading →
Still relevant.
I should read this every day. Thanks to @gr36.
This is a test with the most recent update to a little-know utility: Linky. I love it. 👍🏻
Substack vs Buttondown — Who’s Better? — My Observations - Numeric Citizen Blog numericcitizen.me/2021/03/2…
Want to know what Craft is capable of as a website publishing tool? Take a look. Move around the site, you’ll get a better idea of its navigation structure and feature. I love this app.
HEY World, it's now official! (#hey #heyworld #blogging)
They flipped the switch to ON. HEY World is LIVE! I’m so glad, curious and already excited to use this other channel to share my written content with the world. I’m already thinking about my first post on this new platform. Furthermore, I think this addition brings even more value to an already useful service, on which I depend every single day. Recently, I asked: How many websites can a blogger have? Continue reading →
After spending so many hours trying to understand the requirements to set up my online presence to support the IndieWeb movement… I’m close to just giving up. I fail to get the whole picture and none of the sites that I look at has a complete explanation that corresponds to my use case. Gosh. I’ll put this aside for a while and eventually come back to this. Maybe.
I often read the word “Quill” in here but never really paid too much attention, until now. Quill allows for posting content to your blog from a simple web page. You knew that, already, right? Not me. Sorry for the interruption, normal programming to return in 3, 2, 1. Thank you.
Quick Poll on Writing During the Pandemic (#blogger #writer #poll)
Today, I would like to do a quick poll among my blogger / writer friends here on Micro.blog. How did the pandemic influence your writing habits? Do you write more? Less? What could be the reasons behind the change of habit? To help you out and start the thread, I’ll answer to my own poll. The pandemic brought me closer to be what we call “a writer”. I write a lot more. Continue reading →
This is what I call a VERY productive Saturday.: three articles published (on Medium, on Numeric Citizen I/O, and on my Numeric Citizen Blog) and a monthly newsletter went out! 😎 Time for a break. 🏃Oh, and thank you for reading my stuff! 🙏🏻
I Tested HEY World! (#hey #heyworld)
Today, I tested HEY World. This is my non-review. It could have worked great, but it’s not ready yet. One could say “Nice try, buddy”. I love their response to my test message. One thing stands out from their response, though: “For now, HEY World is just an experiment. … “Assuming there’s demand, we’ll begin opening it up for more people soon. And then, hopefully, for all HEY for You customers. Continue reading →