This is what journalists should have done since this Clown in Chief has been elected. Shame on them. They are being lazy. Period. Daring Fireball: How to Turn Trump’s Daily Virus Misinformation Show Into a Vector for the Truth
By the way, coronavirus crisis is something earth would need for many years, even decades just to fix our mess. #covid19 #coronavirus
Returning to Facebook because of Coronavirus? (hit the link for my thoughts)
For the first time in more than a year, I’m considering returning to Facebook. My thoughts and feelings are still the same though. But this coronavirus crisis makes me want to get in touch we people I know. I don’t have much time to spend on this platform. I know I’ll quickly face the things that I … read more
Interesting read. beckyhansmeyer.com
The Great Slowdown
If something has to change after COVID-19 it is: electronic payments only.
Each day I’m a bit more disgusted by the American political class and by those voters who doesn’t understand anything in anything…. #covid19
Sadly, I think there is some truth to this. #covid19 😔
Where are americans asking Bloomberg to spend money on the COVID-19 crisis? Oh, he doesn’t have any money left after spending that much trying to buy his election. So sad.
My sincere and deepest hope is for this crisis to force people reconsider open space offices. It wasn’t a great idea before COVID-19 and certainly won’t be for the foreseeable future. Are we getting it? #covid19
This COVID-19 crisis will change many many things in our life for a long time. Daring Fireball: Use Both Soap and Hand Sanitizer
My kids are now discovering the fragility of the economic system and the potential difficulties they will confront in their own personal life. Maybe they will be less picky when being offered a new job.
That is a powerful image. Stay home. #covid19 twitter.com
David J. Schow (@DavidJSchow) Tweeted: t.co/vtOyF8gxm…
This COVID-19 crisis is a reminder of how people can be so dumb. #covid19
For as much as I can remember, I’ve always been in a “love & hate relationship” with the US as a society. I’m sad to report that since a few days I’m in the « hate it » phase. 🙁 #covid19 🇨🇦
COVID-19 and my PhD Friend
I have a dear friend living in Denver, Co. He has a PhD in human comm. He is brilliant. But, he doesn’t understand all the fuss about COVID-19. For him, shutting down everything is over reacting. I tried to explain the curve, the pressure on health care system, etc. He thinks the flu is worst … read more
The speech that should have aired yesterday night. But the clown 🤡 in chief just can’t do this. Read this Twitter thread. #covid19 twitter.com/jeremykon…
Thought of the day: I guess we have to get used to live in a constant state of emergency 🚨 #climatechange #covid19 #economy
That one is not a short read but I feel obligated to share it. Highly recommended read. The outlook is grime. Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now - Tomas Pueyo - Medium
The ugly and sad state of online “news” websites. Every single day of my online life, I’m exposed to what is described in this article. It doesn’t get better, far from it. I’m not the target for these websites, obviously. www.cjr.org/first_per…
Anxiety over #COVID-19 (follow link for details)
Are we at a turning point where there will be a before & after world as we know it? I mean, this shit is here to stay among us for a long time… right? This long streak of economic growth (since 2008) really look to be coming to an end. Young generations will find things, economically … read more