Food for thought The RSS feed for Food for thought.

  • Where is the date of publication?

    Here is something that I notice quite often while browsing the web: the lack of a publish date on articles, blog posts, etc. While living in the age of fast content consumption, where content relevance is depleting fast, it seems important, more than ever, to put a publishing date. I know we can … read more

  • When time was on a different scale

    I’m still not finished with Apple’s « For all mankind » TV series. I like it for an unexpected reason: having a peak at the way people were living before the personal computers, smartphones, the Internet. It seems like time was slower so people had time to think. Oh, and they had a private life. read more

  • Where are designers gone? #eero #ui #ux

  • On paying for software

    There is a lot of push back about software subscriptions these days it seems. But we should remember about past scams with promised updates for paid software that never came. So many examples of “significant” updates that are merely excuses to charge the user base again. There is no … read more

  • Today I did some cleanup in the basement where we used to have a TV room. Found VHS tapes, DVD and CD, all of which we cannot play in any way in our house these days. All the content we do consume now is streamed and rented. What a change a decade can make.