Personal The RSS feed for Personal.

  • Gearing up for video recording… smile, please. 😁

  • It’s the type of work day where I get to meet hyper-brilliant and knowledgeable people, which makes me feel like I have so much more to learn. 😌

  • Introspection time: I chose to be in IT because I thought it was much easier to deal with computers than humans. I’m not an introvert, though, far from it. But, it happened without explicit thought back in the day. After 30 years in IT, I still think the same, and I often say that the challenge in the information technology field is not about technology per se, but it’s mostly about human issues with technology. Ironically, most of my job today is to build teams of people to make things happen. I’m still focused on technology, but in reality, I try to ensure that all members of a team work towards the same objectives. I’m pretty good about it and people are appreciative of my work. How ironic.

  • My return to work went well, but I’m busy and having difficulty balancing my time between project delivery and staying up-to-date in my IT field. It’s one of my biggest challenges. πŸ˜‘

  • Going back to work tomorrow after a two-week break that was much needed. Now, I know what’s awaiting me tomorrow. It’s a fuckin busy agenda. 😳 I refrained all weekend from connecting to my office email. Sure, I could have done a pre-cleanup and say: ok, it’s not that bad. But I didn’t do it. Why? Because my mailbox would have been cleaner, yeah, but not my mental charge, would have been 🀯. It was a good decision to stay partly innocent. ☝🏻

  • This year, my writing habits will be impacted by my desire to spend more time interacting with the community here. Reaching out and connecting might lead to new opportunities and writing triggers.

  • I’m getting a few more days of vacation and looking forward to practicing my DJ skills to conclude my breakaway from my usual creative activities.

  • It’s the time of the year where the page is white, everything feels possible and in its place. It’s up to me to decide how 2024 will unroll as a creator.

  • I wish you all a happy new year! May 2024 be a better one than what 2023 was. It shouldn’t be that hard. Peace.

  • Each year, at about the same period, I always feel a return of my desire for photography. It is as if photography is always the thing I drop first when I’m busy in life, preferring to keep the rest (writing, blogging). I hope this will change a bit in 2024.

  • Here are my five goals for 2024, as posted on my personal landing page.

  • One week left to work before “vacations”. πŸ₯΄

  • I had many personal goals for this week-end1, a week-end already coming to a conclusion. I’m happy to report that they were all met! I feel good about this. 😊

    1. Goals that don’t always align with my creative hobbies. But that is ok. ↩︎

  • Touch down. I’m back from Las Vegas! What a ride. What a city! I’m not loving everything about this place for sure. 😐

  • Some Must-Needed Changes to My (Too Many) About Pages

    Today, I’m removing my digital garden content. The most valuable parts were moved to my About Page, and the rest has been dropped. Both of these pages are created and maintained in Craft. I like the idea of Digital Gardens, but it’s not practical for me to maintain on top of this blog … read more

  • I’m going to the office by bike today. πŸš΄πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ With this splendid weather1, probably the last such beautiful and warm day of this fall, I’m really looking forward to this half-hour ride downtown Montreal.

    1. We’ve been in a very long streak of warm and sunny weather, something like 10 days of sunshine. ↩︎

  • Since 9/11 in 2001, I look up every time I hear a plane in the sky. Every single time. And I’m Canadian. πŸ˜” 1

    1. And I have the profound feeling that we didn’t learn anything about these events. ↩︎

  • Early mornings are my favourite creative moments… everyone is asleep, and it is super quiet in the house. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»

  • Fifty-six. 56. Already. 🧁

  • September

    This is my favourite month of the year1. It’s my birthday month2. The weather is generally absolutely amazing3. Gone are muggy and hazy days; the air is crystal clear. It’s a transition month. It is a colourful month. It’s an Apple keynote month! I am looking forward to this long week-end with my … read more