No Olympic Games for Russians — Here's Why
Should Russians be allowed to participate in the Olympic Games in Paris, France, next year? The question is out, and the debate is already raging. For me, the answer is simple and unequivocal: no. My reasons are multiple. Here are a few of them. First of all, we cannot pretend that Olympic Games are … read more
Some telling excerpt from a recent story in the Globe and Mail about a Canadian helping Ukraine:
“There’s a couple of shots I made that day that will be with me,” he said. One was a Russian in a T-shirt who was carrying a box of ammunition more than 1,800 metres behind the front line – a distance Teflon says was the longest shot he’s ever made. “He saw no threat, he thought he was safe. But it’s my job to ensure that they know that they’re not safe anywhere,” Teflon said. “The role of a sniper is to ultimately push into the minds of the enemy and make them question everything.”
“There’s allegations that all these Russians must be drugged. There’s no way. I think it’s just lack of training. Because they still act like human beings. I’ve watched guys cry and I’ve watched guys scream and I’ve watched guys try to pull their friends back when they get killed. They’re humans but they don’t have an ounce of training when it comes to fighting a war.”
“Sadly, it’s working. That’s why they’re doing it. We’re defending until we can’t defend that spot any more because they just destroy it with tanks. And they just keep sending another wave. It’s just relentless,” Teflon said. “So, they’ve gained 500 metres of dirt, but they just took over a completely destroyed position and lost hundreds of guys to do so.”
“The world deserves to hear the truth and after losing Joe and Greg, they need to understand we’re not stopping this work,” he said. “There’s no point me dying without telling my story.”
This a poignant story about a Canadian snipper “working” on the front line in Ukraine.
Much More Than Tanks Will Be Needed
I’m super happy to see so many countries contributing to the war efforts. Kyiv has been asking for tanks for a long time. Finally, the last roadblock to a significant contribution has been lifted thanks to the German government, who seemingly found the light and made the right decision. Now for … read more
Genuine Questions About The War in Ukraine
Here are a few questions that pop up in my mind when reading the news about the war in Ukraine. How do they estimate Russian casualties? They are around 500-800 KIA per day. That’s a lot. Is this number inflated for propaganda purposes? Why is Putin not saying, “Any country sending arms to help … read more
Here's What I Would Do After Winning $1.35 Billion Jackpot
After I told my wife that the second-biggest jackpot had been won, she asked me what I would do with all that money. So here’s what I would do. First, after the usual and probably mandatory press conference, I would get home and patiently wait for the deposit. Once received, I would call my bank to … read more
🇺🇦 There is one thing that I’m finding hard to replace from Twitter: all Twitter accounts I was following reporting about the war in Ukraine, from people on the front or close to it. This is critical information that goes beyond what the general media is saying. But things are starting to move in the right direction, as I have found many tweeps who are now on Mastodon. Yeah! 🙂
🇺🇦 Putin is Complaining Again
Poor Putin, now he complains that Ukraine is sending drones to their military bases to destroy military assets and make it hard for planes to take off in the direction of Ukraine to commit crimes on civilians. Poor little boy. Fuck him. He’ll wait forever for any kind of negotiation if you ask me. read more
🇺🇦 I Wish Them Happy Holidays But...
We’re close to Christmas and getting closer to new years eve. I hope Ukrainians can get a small break during the holidays. News about increased military activities by Russia in Belarus, north of Ukraine, close to the frontier, isn’t encouraging. It’s like when Russia was preparing to break Ukrainian … read more
Who Should Be Complaining Again?
🇺🇦Russian’s top brass are complaining that Zelensky and Biden didn’t have a single word about Russia’s demands and their “quest for peace”. Ukrainians continuously ask for more weapons to defend themselves against the invaders. They complain that it’s not enough. Who started the war? Who’s hitting … read more
Musing About Writing Needs And This War
Earlier this year, back in May I think, I started a subscription to Write.as. Why? I was curious about this platform for writers and there was a special for a five-year subscription. So, why not! Then I started to write about my reactions to the war in Ukraine. I wrote maybe a dozen of posts on this … read more
When Ukraine Is Home of Great Software Makers
I recently wrote my satisfaction about Readdle’s Documents.app on-boarding experience on the iPad. Now I’m reading about Spark’s cleverness take on emails. Without being as opinionated as Hey.com, Spark is a serious professional email client. Readdle’s home is Ukraine 🇺🇦 too. I’m considering … read more
Twitter’s Essentials
I read about so many people flocking to Mastodon, leaving Twitter behind. I actually started to see a definitive decline in my followers number. Something is really going on. I myself started to think about the possibility of leaving the platform too. Just like I did with Facebook, Flickr, and … read more
Russian's Strategy — Possible Response
🇺🇦It is becoming clear that Russians are angry about the near collapse of their army in south and east Ukraine. The strategy now seems to bomb all over Ukraine, mostly civilian infrastructures, to terrorize the civil population, double down with Belarus, and get ready for another take from the north … read more
Putin, the loser
🇺🇦 Putin is showing signs of being a loser (as if it wasn’t clear yet), because he is losing, slowly but surely. Sure we’d like things to happen quicker to save lives and infrastructures. But with yesterday’s “speech”, Putin is signing for more collaboration across western countries, hoping for … read more
Feeling So Happy...
🇺🇦 What is happening right now in Ukraine is nothing but encouraging! I was waiting for this to happen the day we started to help Ukraine. Now it seems it is making a difference. News is coming on an hourly basis from the northeast and the south. Let’s kick Russia out once and for all ASAP! … read more
Light at the End of the Tunnel?
🇺🇦 It’s been a long time since I posted something here. This morning, an article from the Kyiv Independent brought me into a cheerful mood regarding the conflict in Ukraine. There is something wrong with Russia’s army capabilities right now which looks like an opportunity window for the west. Are we … read more
How Much is Too Much?
🇺🇦 When reading about the war raging in Ukraine, there is so much to read, see and… digest. As it has become the focus of my attention from a news consumption perspective since the start of the invasion, I tend to talk about it with my surroundings. I think they are starting to feel the war fatigue. … read more
Sievierodonetsk down. Sad day. Again.
🇺🇦 I feel sad for Ukraine which has been fighting hell for so long and having to retreat from Sievierodonetsk. It’s probably the best decision from a military perspective. Yet, I feel sad for them. For all of us because we can’t stop the criminals from territory gains. Is there an end to this … read more
A More Healthy Attitude
Dear (few readers), in case you were wondering, I’m still staying informed about the war in Ukraine. Over the weeks, I’ve taken a more distanced view of the conflict. I try not to make it too personal. I’m still horrified by what Russian criminals are capable of. I still wish we, the west, get even … read more
100 days
Time flies. It’s been already 100 days since the beginning of the criminal declaration of war on the west by Putin and his team of criminals. One hundred days of suffering by Ukraine and the rest of the world. One hundred days of war crimes, destruction and stealing of lives and lands. One hundred … read more