After much thinking, I decided not to create exclusive content for paying subscribers of numericcitizen.me. Reason #1: I don’t publish often enough to warrant such a decision. Reason #2: I don’t have the time to create such content and don’t want to feel the pressure. Reason #3: I prefer asking for support for my whole creative journey. In a sense, someone subscribing encourages the pursuit of my journey by saying: can’t wait to read what’s coming! Are you one of those? 🙂
Two Years Already
We let Putin’s regime invade Ukraine in 2014, and we did nothing. In 2022, Ukraine and the world, to a certain degree, paid the price of our inaction by letting Putin’s criminals do it again, but on a much larger scale. Today marks a sad anniversary and reminds us how costly our hesitation in providing what Ukraine really needs to make a dent in this conflict. I feel sorry for the Ukrainians, and I feel frustrated by our slow and timid reactions. Continue reading →
I’m still looking into new use cases for using Micro.blog’s new blog limits1. Porting a portion of my meta blog is one such use case, but porting this portion would be really difficult. I might go ahead with a dual publication: I keep the Craft version because it is richer and faster to publish but also publish on Micro.blog because of RSS support and better integration with my Micro.blog digital community.
I’m currently using one blog, this one, and one one-page site. ↩︎
Yesterday I did a 20-min presentation on how to take advantage of ChatGPT and GenAI tools at work, for my colleagues. Many of them didn’t learn anything because they already experimented with these tools. For others, they learned quite a bit and I saw their enchantment in their eyes. This reminds of 1993 when I gave a similar presentation about tools like Netscape, Newsgroups, Gopher, and Mail and how to use http requests. Today, we need to learn how to create effective “prompts”.
Billionaire Elon Musk — whose businesses range from satellites to social media — was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize by a Norwegian lawmaker who praised the X owner as a “stout proponent for free speech.”
You must be kidding me! While at it, why not nominate Putin for his fight against nazis in Ukraine. Beyond ridiculous.
Apple Journals is iPhone only. Apple Sports is iPhone only1. Apple Classical is iPhone only. Did Apple forget about the iPad? What should we conclude from this? Will it take years to come to the iPad, just like the Health app? Isn’t that easy to make an iPad version of an app?
It’s a new app that is launching today. A surprise. ↩︎
I don't support Raindrop.io, because of [this](https://numericcitizen.me/when-war-in-ukraine-influences-my-application-choices/).🥺 Oh crap!
#Raindrop -
Apple Vision Pro Returns https://initialcharge.net/2024/02/gurman-vision-pro-returns/
I wonder, sometimes, about the Apple Vision Pro ending up in the drawer, just like pre-iPod era MP3 players. Time will tell.
This looks like a wonderfully designed desk shelf, but I’m not sure I want to jack up my Apple Studio Display. And what if I upgrade my Mac mini to a Mac Studio? It won’t fit.
I wasn’t invited to share my thoughts on this year’s SixColors Apple performance performance report, So I’m writing my own performance report. 😛
Digital relationships are powerful but don’t take my word for it. Try for yourself. Next time you stumble on a personal site you find interesting, try to connect with the person behind that site. Write an email, say hi, send them some love. You won’t regret it.
Somehow, I found this blog post very touching. I’m still searching for the exact reason, but until I do, I will contact this guy. I don’t know yet what I’m going to say.
It’s time for the 2024-06 issue of my weekly creative summary! Not my best week, but good enough to share! 👨🏻💻😅 I created an index for the past editions. Newsletter going out by email soon. 📬
If Ukraine loses the war against Putin’s regime in Moscow, it’s not Ukraine who loses, but the West. Fighting back after an eventual lost war will cost everyone’s ten if not hundred times more. When are we going to get this? Pressure your governments to do more, not less.
I wrote a little article1 explaining how I’m using Ghost’s API to “browse” published articles so that I can select an article that I want to update.
It’s the perfect coffee shop kit for me. At first, I didn’t think of going out today, but I realized that I spend all weekdays at home for work. I guess it was time to see the world and enjoy a creative session at the coffee shop while listening to music. Slow vibes1.
the photo wasn’t post-processed beyond what the iPhone usually does. ↩︎
I love the design process but never reach a point where I’m happy. I continually change themes, plug-ins, and services.
Happy to learn that we have something in common. 🙂
The report claims that Apple is training both Siri and the iPhone’s built-in Spotlight search tool on large language models, with a goal of improving each feature’s ability to answer more complex questions accurately. The revamped version of Spotlight could also offer deeper integration with “specific” functions and features in apps.
Why am I thinking about the coming of Siri+ when I read this report?
A new post category in micro.blog, filtered to include existing posts writingslowly.com
Great explanation for using categories with Micro.blog.
Ultimately, he said he’s not going to get one (price), but that it really was a revelatory experience and was unlike anything he’d seen before.
Someone who finished a demo of the Apple Vision Pro. Is this exactly what many people said when they first tried the Macintosh back in 1984? The rest is history.
Day and night, my blog will be in dark mode. I think it better fit my avatar style.