• GuruShots Is Still a Thing, Apparently

    I just visited the photography challenge site GuruShots, where I used to play quite a lot a few years ago. I even wrote a few articles about this game ("GuruShots Tips, Tricks and Cheat Sheet","Tips & Tricks 2021 Edition, Part 1", “Tips & Tricks 2021 Edition, Part 2” and “How to Become a Guru at GuruShots”). I had a friend who was playing with me. He still does. Apparently, he is so advanced that there is only one explanation: he has a serious addiction. Continue reading →

  • Is Buying a Car Easier Than Buying an Apple Vision Pro?

    If Mark Gurman is correct, the rumored sale process for the Apple Vision Pro is rather complex and lengthy. Watching a 20-minute video to learn about a product indicates many things: Apple is nervous, and the product has a novel approach requiring potential customers’ education or training so that they fully “get the experience” before deciding to put the money on the table. Also, I guess someone willing to pay the high price merits some special attention, too. Continue reading →

  • It’s time for the first edition of 2024 of the weekly creative summary newsletter! Lots of stuff related to projects, writing, articles, etc. Fun fact: putting this summary together takes about two hours per week. This version was created in Craft, which offers the best experience, the email version is coming later to my dear subscribers! Past editions are available on my main website by following this link. Enjoy.

  • One of the things that is cool with Photomator: the before & after view. If find it helpful from a creative and teaching perspective.

  • I’m supporting Manu Moreale. Bloggers need to support bloggers!

  • For those who are new to Micro.blog, in this video, I talk about creating and managing pages and redirects on your Micro. blog-hosted website. I hope you learn something. Now, time for a wish: @jean and @manton could create a page on the help.micro.blog site referring to these videos that I’m creating for the platform1! 🙏🏻

    1. I’m not paid for this, BTW, in case you ask. 😌 ↩︎

  • Gearing up for video recording… smile, please. 😁

  • I can’t wait to share my first weekly creative summary of the year tomorrow. So much stuff in there! Meanwhile, if you don’t know what I’m talking about, flash the QR code! Or click this link if you are too lazy! 🤣

  • Another big snowstorm is coming over to the Montreal area. This one could produce more snow than the previous one, which gave us more rain than snow. Expect 15 - 20 cm of snow and some gusty winds. the worst will be Saturday morning, right when I’ll record my next YouTube video. For as far as I can recall, I always loved snowstorms. Image source.

  • I’ve been testing Up Ahead the past day, and one thing is clear: software doesn’t have to be boring. Up Ahead is anything but boring1.

    1. The screenshot was uploaded to Micro.blog using a shortcut from Jarrod Blundy. Works great. He should make it available soon on his website. ↩︎

  • Currently studying the PARA method for a future video. The funny thing is that without knowing it, I organize my data inside Craft, using similar principles.

  • How Many Apple Vision Pro Scheduled Demos Can Apple Provide in the First 10 Days?

    As reported by MacRumors, Apple will have 80K Apple Vision Pro available on day one. Now, how many scheduled demos can Apple provide to customers in the first ten days of the availability of the Apple Vision Pro? Let’s try to find out. 243 Apple Store will have the headset. Let’s say there are 6 six guys in the store dedicated to supervising scheduled demonstrations. Could be more, could be less and might vary from store to store. Continue reading →

  • It’s the type of work day where I get to meet hyper-brilliant and knowledgeable people, which makes me feel like I have so much more to learn. 😌

  • Introspection time: I chose to be in IT because I thought it was much easier to deal with computers than humans. I’m not an introvert, though, far from it. But, it happened without explicit thought back in the day. After 30 years in IT, I still think the same, and I often say that the challenge in the information technology field is not about technology per se, but it’s mostly about human issues with technology. Ironically, most of my job today is to build teams of people to make things happen. I’m still focused on technology, but in reality, I try to ensure that all members of a team work towards the same objectives. I’m pretty good about it and people are appreciative of my work. How ironic.

  • My complete toolset page was updated to start the new year. Make sure to pay a visit if you want to make a few discoveries.

  • Since the Apple Vision Pro will be available starting in early February, I think any new iPad will come in March at the earliest.

  • Is TextMate abandonware? The last post was in early 2020. I like this app (free). I wonder if BBEdit is the obvious replacement (which is not free!). 🤔🧐

  • Dan Moyen, writing for MacWorld

    The Vision Pro is a brand new platform with a brand new interaction method–so its release needs a new approach. Source: Vision Pro is already changing everything we know about Apple | Macworld

    I’m glad to see that he agrees with my personal take on this already controversial product launch.

  • If the 2024 iPad Pro pricing is what the rumors are referring to, ridiculously expensive, not counting the new Magic Keyboard that would be needed to replace mine, this might be the deal breaker for me. I might not upgrade1 at all and focus on my M2 MacBook Air. This would be sad because I like using the iPad a lot but can’t convince myself to settle for anything not pro. 😑🤷🏻‍♂️

    1. I’m currently using an “old” 11-inch iPad Pro with Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil 2. ↩︎

  • I feel relieved this morning because I finally moved out of Adobe and wrote an article about it. Spoiler alert: moving out of Adobe is not as hard as you might think, especially if your Lightroom setup is simple like mine. Open to questions. 😃