I should visit the Micro.blog Discover section more often… there are some gems over there from time to time.
A follow-up to my previous post about Dropshare: Are any users of Backblaze over here? Thoughts? Which service do you use? S3-compatible storage or client (Mac) backup to the cloud?1 🤔
Users can get 10 GB of free storage, which should be enough for my needs. ↩︎
I can’t stress enough how Apple’s Freeform is a joy to use. Is this a sleeper hit? If you don’t use it, do yourself a favour and try it. It’s the most intuitive, frictionless diagramming app out there on the Mac. And the iPad.
Which story is worse or more shattering? Steve Jobs fired in 1985, or OpenAI fired one of its founders? I think the latter creates more uncertainty. The former is easier to dismiss because we know what happened to Apple after Jobs left the company. 🤔 1
What a shitty series of events. And we aren’t done with it yet. ↩︎
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! 😀 Today is the day of the new edition of my weekly creative summary! Enjoy! While this early release provides the best visual experience (thanks to Craft’s shared documents), the newsletter edition will come out soon to my subscribers.
The Danger of POSSE
A recently published article on The Verge discusses POSSE and the Fediverse: “Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere.” This content strategy emphasizes the importance of owning the content you create by publishing it on your own platform, like a personal blog or website, and then syndicating or sharing that content on other platforms, such as social media or content aggregators. The main idea behind POSSE is to ensure that creators maintain control over their content. Continue reading →
Getting vaccinated today for flu and Covid. Hopefully not too many symptoms in the nextt 24 hours. 😑
The more testing and experimenting I do with ChatGPT, the more I feel we are at an inflection point like Netscape or the iPhone was. We live in exciting and challenging times.
I made this. It is very handy to write an ALT description for an image posted on Pixelfed.
Apple’s Siri, AI and Next’s Year’s OS Releases
I don’t know if Apple is working on LLM stuff; they probably do, they probably do work on improving Siri, too, if such a thing is possible in the current incarnation of its fundamentals. But, judging by the rapidity of other companies introducing AI features mainly based on LLM models, I don’t expect it would be so hard for Apple to do the same with Siri. But only if Apple accepts to work with CharGPT-back end for a short-term solution. Continue reading →
So, how is** iOS 17.2 beta3** going? Stable? I’m asking for a friend.🤭
The proliferation of ChatGPT entry points. The race to some sort of singularity?Foreseeably, the next step in AI integration will happen on an OS level.
In the mean time, your app will always run an inferior version compared to whatever Microsoft's sells. If having ChatGPT is your sales point, you have no sales point. You only have a very volatile, very expensive ticking time bomb dependency.
On top of that, you corner yourself into dishonesty if you sell ChatGPT as your own AI. It's bullshit and you know it.
I don’t know about you guys, but watchOS 10.1.1 is still killing battery life… 😔
It’s Sunday😃, and it’s time for my new edition of my Weekly Creative Summary, the 2023/45 edition! Mail version coming out later today for my website subscribers!1
If you don’t subscribe already, what are you waiting for?? ↩︎
I started subscribing to ChatGPT today so that I could experiment with Dall-E and GPT-4. I’ll probably cancel my MidJourney account if all goes well with ChatGPT. I like the idea of having one place to do many things.