2021 The RSS feed for 2021.

  • iPhone 13 Pro Max or iPhone 13 Pro — That is the question

    I’m planning to go big screen this fall with the iPhone 13 Pro (12s?) Max (I currently own an iPhone 11 Pro). I never owned the biggest iPhone (Plus or Max). There is one thing that makes me pause: information density of the Max seems about the same if not a bit higher compared to the non-Max model. … read more

  • When a 2013 MacBook Air is > than a two-years old Chromebook

    I’ll be getting a old 2013 MacBook Air for one of my son to replace an aging Chromebook that I bought about two years ago. Think about it. This eight years old MacBook Air is faster, much better design, much better screen quality, more memory and will be able to run macOS Big Sur and all other apps … read more

  • Weird.

  • First deception with Pocket Cast: no support for widgets. 😒

  • Moving from Castro to Pocket Cast: 100% completed. 👨🏻‍💻⌛️👍🏻😁

    I waited for close to a year for Castro to bring its podcasts app to the iPad. Today, with the announcement of Automattic buying Pocket Cast, it came back on my radar. It didn’t take too long to make the switch. Pocket Cast is a real multi-platform player, feature rich and has an as good design as … read more

  • On PC in the cloud

    Microsoft announced their PC in the cloud offerings this week. While it is probably based on their previous offering, Windows Virtual Desktop service, it does look like a milestone to me. I’ve been in IT for more than 25 years. I saw the migration from the mainframe to the client-server applications … read more

  • Joke of the day: “We believe that personalized ads and user privacy can coexist.”. 😂😂😂

  • User Interface design dark age era

    We are in the dark age (not dark mode!) of user interface design for sure. We get excited for new animated UI elements (example here), but overall, delight has been lost in translation a long time ago. As Mike Rockwell is a link post say: “I can’t really identify anything that I’ll be nostalgic for … read more

  • Google’s openness isn’t enough apparently (#antitrust #security #cybersecurity)

    Wow, that one is close to being hilarious. Big tech companies are the target of hate these days. Google was hit by another antitrust lawsuit by no less than 36 states about their handling of applications side loading on Android. In summary, it is so cumbersome to side load an app on Android, thanks … read more

  • Bye Bye Skylum - I barely knew you

    In preparing to move off my 2017 Intel iMac (and put if for sale), I must make sure to re-install remaining applications on my M1 Mac mini. Photography-related apps were the last to be updated for the M1 chip. Lightroom CC is now fully optimized, but none of the Skylum apps I was (rarely) using: … read more

  • What comes before the right to repair? (#apple #righttorepair)

    The next step for Apple is to design for repairability which goes beyond recycling. AirPods are the worst example of this. When the battery life on these is reached, there is no practical way to replace them without throwing it to the trash and buying a new one. So for me, the right to repair goes … read more

  • Going to space… to watch a burning planet.

    So Richard Branson went to space. Next, Jeff Bezos. And then, what? Is there any scientific purposes in these flights to space? Nope, not directly at least. Is this a publicity stunt? Yes and no. I’m not at ease seeing billionnaires spending their pretty money on something that don’t bring value to … read more

  • A few thoughts on cleaning up my Twitter accounts following list

    Since last year, I’ve been making a major cleanup of my Twitter account. I came from following more than 2000 people down to less than 300… and my goal is to drop below 100. I’m slowly getting there. Here are a few take outs from this major cleanup of my accounts following list. First, there are a … read more

  • The Touch Bar is a great example of a divisive feature. I love the Touch Bar. Poll: Do you think Apple should kill the MacBook’s Touch Bar? - 9to5Mac

  • I’ve been experimenting with time tracking. I’ve been doing it as an experiment at first, but now it’s part of my workflow. I’m using Toggl and Timery. Ask me anything.

  • The more we wait for beta 4, the more chance we will get a step back for Safari redesign. That’s my guess.

  • If you depend on automation shortcuts and use shortcuts in general on iOS 15 & iPadOS 15, you’ll quickly realize that any advance Apple made in Notifications are ruined by Shortcuts generated notifications. Those notifications should be treated separately.

  • Maybe Apple should sell iPhone without any operating system, that way, everyone is equal. I’d love to build my own kernel because I think it would be the best but since Apple is bundling one, I’m seriously disadvantaged. How is this even allowed?

  • The power of iPadOS 15: setting up a workspace made of four apps with a simple shortcut from the home screen. So cool. 👨🏻‍💻🤓

  • The return of the Touch ID?

    A recent poll ran by 9To5Mac gives surprising results about what people would like to see if Touch Id is to return to the iPhone. Touch ID under the screen wins popular favour… personally, I would prefer Touch ID to go on the power button, just like the iPad Air because it is easily … read more