A recently published article on The Verge discusses POSSE and the Fediverse: “Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere.” This content strategy emphasizes the importance of owning the content you create by publishing it on your own platform, like a personal blog or website, and then syndicating or sharing that content on other platforms, such as social media or content aggregators.

The main idea behind POSSE is to ensure that creators maintain control over their content. By publishing first on their own platform, creators can establish a primary source for their work that remains under their control. They can then share or syndicate this content to other platforms to reach a wider audience, drive traffic back to their own site, and engage with communities on those platforms.

This strategy is particularly relevant in the digital age, where content creators often face the dilemma of reaching large audiences on popular platforms (like social media networks) while also wanting to maintain ownership and control over their work. POSSE offers a balanced approach, allowing creators to leverage larger platformsโ€™ reach without sacrificing their own siteโ€™s autonomy.

Iโ€™m practicing POSSE myself; all my online setup is built around it. I depend on two publishing poles: Micro.blog and Ghost1. Some find this setup time-consuming and donโ€™t want to be held responsible for replying or engaging on each branch (Mastodon, Bluesky, etc.). My take on this is yes, it might be time-consuming, but I like to engage on each platform because each brings a different type of community. I find it a bit frustrating to reply to someone who systematically shares content from his blog with Mastodon without any reply or acknowledgment. I understand that some posters are very popular and canโ€™t reply to everyone. You can see if someone is replying from time to time. Itโ€™s a good idea to check before judging. The danger here is to act like bots if there is no engagement at all.

  1. Micro.blog is responsible for the cross-posting magic. ↩︎