No Friday Notes post this week. I have a few ideas but didn’t have time to expand on them and write the article. Hint: it’s about photo sharing in the age of content abundance. Oh well. 😔
My week-end so far
Exploring Pixelfed✅. Producing a 60-minute video about Pixelfed✅. Writing an article about Pixelfed✅. Learning about Tinylytics✅. Learning about templates in Micro.blog and custom themes✅. Adding Tinylytics to my blog✅. Subscribing to Tinylytics. ✅ Next up: going to see the latest Mission Impossible. Continue reading →
Thought of the day: blog readers might not like negativity-tinted post or being told the truth they don’t want to read. I published my observations and opinion regarding our hyper-dependency on being connected all the time, so much that we don’t really connect in-person anymore. A few subscribers unsubscribed. 😒 Or maybe they just agree with my take and are looking for ways to regain more time in-person by unsubscribing from my blog? 😂
I guess there is always a positive side of an event. 🙏🏻
I’m feeling upbeat about returning to a more normal blogging schedule. It’s part of my life and I miss it when I’m off-grid for a long time. Of course, I kept my travel journal up-to-date, so writing was still a thing.
Using Day One to document my trip in Morocco is so refreshing🥰. This app is so well designed and executed. Strangely enough, I rarely use Day One other than for peeking at past memories of my publications (automatically added through IFTTT automation with RSS feeds). I rarely add to my personal journal. That might change from now on.
Finally finished and published this article this morning 😅. It’s been long in the making. Looking at my writing projects pipeline, it has always been pretty short. 😱
Why my (numericcitizen.me) website is getting a lot more traffic in the last two days from … Facebook is a mystery for me 🤔
Today’s thought: by accepting the idea that blogging is writing for myself, I would probably write more often.
I’m fascinated by the lack of visual updates to Gruber’s Daring Fireball website. I mean, he has been using the same design like forever! And then I look at Micro.blog users here constantly trying themes or even building their own and tweaking it often. I’m not particularly fond of his design choices but hey, who am I to judge! Content wins over form?
From Weekly to Monthly Digest
Following the announcement of the tweaked Micro.blog newsletter functionality, I’m switching to a monthly digest instead with a specific category as the sole source for its content. Three reasons for this change: first, the digest will become a more intentional set of creative gestures instead of being the result of a weekly and automatic content spit out without any distinction. Second, monthly means less noisy than weekly. Third, less is more. Continue reading →
From Authenticity To Attention and Eventually to Connection
I recently heard the notion of blogging for ourselves as opposed to writing for other people to read. I like this idea a lot, and after giving it some thought, I think I know why. If I’m being honest with myself in life and decide to share something like a thought about something, my guess is that writing for ourselves helps a lot in being authentic. I think it’s one of the best ways to attract attention and, eventually, maybe, make a connection. Continue reading →
I wish I had something interesting to share so I could be part of Micro Camp someday. Maybe next year? This is something I wanted to do last year, and yet… I won’t be able to listen live either… I cannot take off from work on Friday, so it leaves only Saturday, but I’ll be on the move that day too. Oh well.
For the first time in a long time, I’m starting to think I’m finally catching up to 90% of the things I wanted to write and share. It’s a good sentiment to have a month before a two-week summer vacation. I know it’s a bit of a cryptic post.
I wanted to publish my long post about Inoreader this weekend so much, but it’s not ready yet. Tomorrow it’s probably the day. Being patient and knowing when something is not ready is a virtue of the writer.
If you’re on Inoreader, this is a link to my profile page. I’m not sure there are many subscribers here, but in any case, you can follow me there if you want!
Can't Wait for the Upcoming Publishing Weekend
This weekend, I will publish a 6000 words thousand article about my migration to Inoreader. I’ve been working on that one for at least three months. While doing so, for the first time, I used Ulysses’ “multi-sheets” feature, where each sheet is a different section tied together as a long article that I can publish as a whole. Pretty handy stuff when working on very long articles. Thanks to Ghost’s publishing feature, it will also be the first time that a portion of my article (the last three sections) will be made available to my subscribers only. Continue reading →
I got my first two paying members (annual subscription!) on my website (numericcitizen.me) hosted on Ghost! Two people are willing to give me their money for my work. I feel blessed. 😊
A Peek Into My Typical Creative Week
Have you ever wondered what my typical creative week looks like? Here you go, courtesy of Things 3’s Logbook. As I was completing this week’s stretch, I had a look at the logbook, I thought it could be fun to share with you a behind the scene look. I love Things 3 logbook because it gives me a look at my past work. If you want a closer look at my Things 3 usage in my creative workflow, you might want to watch this video. Continue reading →
I had such a busy creative weekend, to the point where I wonder if I did too much. I mean, I didn’t see most of the weekend. It was raining most of the time, and I had those videos and articles that I wanted to move forward. On the positive side, I feel that my ideas backlog is more than ever in control.
I made my decision. The coffee shop it is. It’s a brand new place near my home. Not too busy yet because there aren’t well-known.