Testing Summaries - Part Deux
This is the second part of my Micro.blog summaries testing. Continue reading →
Testing Summaries
The new blog post summary feature on Micro.blog is currently only accessible during post editing and is still under development. Continue reading →
It's Time to Vote With My Money
DHH at 37 Signals praising Musk for his business (and now) government spending management is yet another red flag and a no-go for me. I won’t link to this post. I’m going to vote with my money and cancel my HEY Mail subscription this fall when my subscription is expiring. If Musk buys ChatGPT, I’ll again vote with my money and cancel my ChatGPT subscription in due time. As Trump is imposing 25% tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum, I’ll vote with my money and cancel my yearly business trip to the US this fall. Continue reading →
And the Winner Is...
Three apps, three different designs. On the left, Tapestry, in the middle Reeder (new), on the right Reeder (old). For me, the winner is the new Reeder which offers a much cleaner design. I’ll keep an eye on Tapestry, but I don’t see how its design could change much. Continue reading →
Non-Optimized for the iPad
Apple told the developers that building an iPad was a matter of clicking a checkbox (more or less). Now, why is Apple Sports, Apple Journal and more recently, Apple Invites are not optimized for the iPad? 🤨🤷🏻♂️ Continue reading →
I’m finally enjoying this moment where I can show the title field while writing a blog post on Micro.blog. Continue reading →
Where Tapestry and Reeder Fail
Thought on the morning: I think that apps like Tapestry and Reeder1 are failing at one thing: a single timeline where content converge is enough. It isn’t. I came to realize that the world is complex and requires many angles of content consumption. Another problem is the diversity in feed velocity. If one feed takes over the timeline, it’s crash the whole thing. Until they add multi-timelines and find a way to moderate high-volume feeds, I’ll refrain from adding these apps into my daily routine. Continue reading →
In Support of Greg Morris' Micro Social App
I just realized that my face was on a few screenshots of Micro Social, an app currently being developed by Greg Morris. He shared an article today on his blog where he talks about the timeline feature. That’s cool. What is even cooler is that I decided to support him with a $1 a month subscription via his “Buy me a coffee” page. Can’t wait to test this myself. Continue reading →
Voting With My Money
Three reasons why I might not upgrade my iPhone 15 Pro Max this year, as expected. If Donald Trump imposes tariffs on Canadian goods. I'm questioning my support of an American company like Apple. Because of Tim Cook's contribution to Donald Trump inauguration which is in contradiction to many Apple values and Tim Cook's personal stance on some social issues. If Apple makes a single change to their support for DEI program, following Trump's executive orders. Continue reading →
Use Disable Delete - Bye
I tend to disable my accounts instead of deleting them permanently. It’s the case with Facebook and Twitter. This weekend, I’m going to say goodbye to Twitter for real by deleting it. I imported my tweets archive a long time ago, thanks to Micro.blog’s import capabilities. I’m not sure why I kept it for so long… because when I see someone who’s sharing something on X, I simply ignore that. Oh well. Continue reading →
Dear, Will You Read My Blog?
Me: “My new French blog is nearly ready to go live. Will you read it?" Her: “Well, yeah, sure, but how will I know there is something new to read?" Me: “Well, you just have to go to the website, just like you read the news." Her: “Mmm, but it’s not the same. I have to remember the website’s address. Can you send notifications instead?" Me: “Well, I’m not sure this would fit the idea of a blog, but you just need to save it as a bookmark. Continue reading →
Micro.one is the seed for something bigger
Today, I think I finally found a real use case for Micro.one. I bought my domain and set up my account. It was rather quick and easy. If I had let Micro.one set up my domain name for me, it would have been even easier. I think the ingredients of Micro.one are all there for an accessible solution for those who want to get out of Meta or other silos and start owning their little space on the web, free of tracking, free of ads, and built on open software technologies. Continue reading →
The Medium Mirage
Medium seems to suffer from another problem: AI-generated content and fake account for fake engagement to generate revenues. According to their recent article (Paywall might be enforced to read this), many accounts under the Partner Program were suspended recently to stop this fraud. I’ve returned to Medium last fall (read my comments about the reading and writing experience over there) and found that content quality has gone down compared to what we used to read there. Continue reading →
Putting Something Out There
I’m about to start a recording session for my next video about Craft and the PARA method. I wonder: why am I doing this? Is it because it might help Craft users to better take advantage of the app features? Is it because I just like being in a creative process? Is it because I love working on the Mac using different apps together to put something out there? Is it all the reasons above? Continue reading →
Hell On Earth - Los Angeles & Ukraine
I don’t want to offend anyone here, but what is happening right now in Los Angeles is certainly devastating. It’s really looking like hell on earth. At the same time, we can easily find the exact same hell in Ukraine and many more people are displaced or killed by a totalitarian and evil regime. It’s hard to fight climate change, but we can and must fight what Russia1 in its current form and to for what it brings to this world. Continue reading →
Who's Right? Apple Intelligence or Grammarly
While working on the next edition of the Ephemeral Scrapbook newsletter, I wanted to proofread and rewrite some text portions. I first started with Apple Intelligence Writing Tools then pasted the results into Craft. Grammarly instantly took the ball and verified the pasted text, highlighting everything wrong that needed some attention. Is Apple Writing Tools sloppy or Grammarly too picky? Writing in English is not an easy thing for me to do. Continue reading →
I’m Getting Old Apparently
I old enough to be one of those who witnessed the birth of MTV and music videos… but I rarely watch those these days… but today, I decided to spend some time watching what’s « hot ». A few observations are in order: video duration is short (less than 3 min), hyper-short scenes abuse (less than two seconds in duration), 4:3 screen ratio is strange (is this a thing now?)… I barely can stand this shit now. Continue reading →
Where The Social Web Fails
Dislike buttons on YouTube, or elsewhere for that matter, should come with a mandatory “here’s why I don’t like this” explanation text field. In this specific case, 2 people out of 18 didn’t like my video. Why? How can I improve myself if you don’t tell me what’s wrong? This is the part of social web that I feel doesn’t work. Continue reading →
On Header Images and Creative Liberty
Manuel Moreale link posting on the subject of header images on blog posts: “I’ll go one step further Nelson, I have a growing hatred towards pointless images in blog posts in general, I don’t even care if they’re AI-generated or not. If they’re there as part of the content then by all means use them but if you’re just adding a stock image from unsplash to make the page “feel” more interesting then you’re just part of the broader problem that’s plaguing the web. Continue reading →
On iPhone 16 Pro Camera Control
I’ve played a bit with my wife’s iPhone 16 Pro Camera Control. I think it is cool but not practical. It is the best case of feature or functions overloading on a single control. I think it’s hard to compete against discrete on-screen camera controls because these are much quicker to invoke and the error rate is low. I don’t see the Camera Control to live for a long time as I can’t see a single way of improving it and fixing this usability issue. Continue reading →