Longer posts The RSS feed for Longer posts.

  • On social networks as debating tools

    You know what? When reading replies on Twitter, I rarely go past 5 replies… this is usually the point where things are getting either ugly, out of control and not related to the original tweet. This is why I think social networks are not good instruments for debate and discussions. Continue reading →

  • On Apple Allowing Change of Defaults Browser

    I expect Apple to go ahead with this, allowing the users to set a default browser or mail client on iOS. Changing defaults is part of a modern OS and this would be, in my opinion, another step towards the upcoming ARM-based Macs running iPadOS. 9to5mac.com/2020/02/2… Continue reading →

  • Cocooning, really?

    Are we ready for a new social network? Do we need this? Judging by their website, the nice design of Cocoon certainly looks enticing. But do we need this? It will take a lot of traction to make people leave Facebook or other well established data-ungry players. I certainly hope new players to come in and shake this rotten industry. Judge for yourself. cocoon.com Continue reading →

  • Things I look for when evaluating an app for my own use

    When evaluating a new app for my own use, the first things I look for are (in no particular order): update frequency, update notes quality, user ratings, multi-platform support (macOS, iOS, iPad support), sync mecanism used, one-time purchase vs subscription based, web service backend. I may elaborate on this subject on a longer blog post in the near future. Currently using this against Raindrop.io apps.apple.com/app/id102… Continue reading →

  • On foldable devices...

    Nobody asked for these phones… you are trying too hard. To all smartphone companies: fix your software, stop tracking us without our consent, stop selling our data, be transparent with each updates and the “feature” they bring, implement rules against tracking features that comes in most apps these days and end up on your App Stores, etc. . twitter.com/mondoir/s… Continue reading →

  • On Medium as a platform for bloggers

    For those wonder about using Medium as a publishing platform. Here is a summary for my last four publications. See the difference when a story gets approved? The last three stories were not approved for publication behind their paywall. Not cool. It is a hit or miss and so you don’t want to build too much confidence in the platform to help build any form of sustainable revenue, even small. Continue reading →

  • here is a really dopey idea

    Apple should introduce another type of subscription: pay-per-use. Pricing would be based on the time spent on-screen, down to a second resolution. Pricing would be based on dime fractions, payable on demand, monthly or yearly. Exemple: five minutes of an app usage @ $ 0.00001 would cost 1.08 yearly. That is an extreme example for sure. But you get the idea, right? Don’t throw rocks at me if Apple ever see and then implement this! Continue reading →

  • Where is the date of publication?

    Here is something that I notice quite often while browsing the web: the lack of a publish date on articles, blog posts, etc. While living in the age of fast content consumption, where content relevance is depleting fast, it seems important, more than ever, to put a publishing date. I know we can sometimes infer the date from the URL but to me it isn’t the right way to do it. Continue reading →

  • it all comes down to compromise

    When so many apps are available for a specific task, choosing one can be a nightmare. Recently, my focus was to select a new calendar app following the release of Fantastical update. I finally settled on the one that I use for a few years now: Calendar 5. The same is happening right now with RSS readers. But this time, I’’m switching from the excellent Reeder app to News Explorer. The latter is not perfect but from a functional point of view, it is an improvement. Continue reading →

  • On Testing News Explorer - Another RSS Reader

    Yesterday I learned about the existence of a different RSS reader named “News Explorer”. As a long time user of Reeder, I wasn’t really interested in trying a different one. But, after playing with the trial version on macOS: I’m mostly converted. Stay tuned for more details. Continue reading →

  • When time was on a different scale

    I’m still not finished with Apple’s « For all mankind » TV series. I like it for an unexpected reason: having a peak at the way people were living before the personal computers, smartphones, the Internet. It seems like time was slower so people had time to think. Oh, and they had a private life. Continue reading →

  • To all content creators: RSS feeds as facilitators, use them!

    My goal as a blogger is to get people read my stuff. RSS feeds are a way to help users access my content. Trying to be protective is counterproductive for me. The idea is to remove friction to the users. If they want to read via Reeder for example, why not! On that note, If a website doesn’t provide an RSS feed, which is sad, I’m let interested to stay in touch. Continue reading →

  • Imperfection is good!

    I love this idea of aiming for the imperfections in photography. In the age of hyper processed and over saturated images where they more or less seems to come from the same photographer, imperfect images will give you personality, a visual distinctive look. In praise of imperfect images — aows Continue reading →

  • Yes, @Gruber can be critical to Apple

    Who said that @gruber can’t have a critical view of Apple? From his report card; Mac: D. Ouch. He doesn’t like the keyboard and macOS Catalina. iPad: D. Cause: software, again. Apple TV: D. Software. Again. I do agree with Catalina security being too strict and the lack of a more “relaxed mode”. https://daringfireball.net/2020/02/my_2019_apple_report_card Continue reading →

  • On paying for software

    There is a lot of push back about software subscriptions these days it seems. But we should remember about past scams with promised updates for paid software that never came. So many examples of “significant” updates that are merely excuses to charge the user base again. There is no perfect and definitive solutions when it comes to pay for software. It is a matter of trust between the developer and the users or potential customers. Continue reading →

  • On Gruber on Flexibits on Subscription Pricing

    Well, it sounds like he is trying to justify the new and more expansive subscription model for Flexibits and Fantastical. For me, it does take much more than fancy animations to justify the price they ask. A working Apple Watch would help. Daring Fireball: Federico Viticci’s Review of the New Fantastical Continue reading →

  • Do many things, so,little time

    Here is one of my problems: I don’t have enough time in a day to write about all the things I’d like to post here and on my main blog. So many things I would like to write about. One such thing is about my blogger workflow (what tools do I use and why, what platforms, etc.). 🤷🏻‍♂️ Continue reading →

  • Learning new things about micro.blog everyday.

    Just found out why for longer posts (> 280 characters) a title field shows up while editing my blog post. Nice touch. One thing though, I’d like to have the post categories always shown instead of having to hit the ellipsis button each time. Consider this a feature request. 🙋🏻‍♂️ Continue reading →

  • iPadOS Upcoming Multitasking Feature Mockup

    This iPadOS multitasking mockup is what Apple should try to do in the next major release. Better yet, I would implement it as a “pinch to merge” two apps when they are close together. If they are far apart, then tap and hold on one app, tap and slide over the other like on the mockup here is good! #apple #iPadOS twitter.com/orange_ki… Continue reading →

  • Categories?

    Just discovered post categories on Micro.blog. I created them and assigned them to each of my posts. I don’t know if this will be reflected on the web site though. Continue reading →