Fuckin unfair management of the debate, especially in the last halftime. Big fail in my book. 🤬
I’m a little upset at the moderators. They don’t do their job fully or am I missing something? Why can’t they say directly “you don’t answer the question, please proceed or else“?
I’m going to watch the whole debate tonight. Even as a Canadian, I think it’s important to get direct reading values instead of going through social / news networks to help me forge my opinion. If I were an American, I would vote for Harris, without a doubt, but I want to see more of her tonight, to get a better idea of what she really stands for. Hoping for civility and clarity.
I returned to Medium with enthusiasm but was disappointed by the clickbaity titles that we can find. For example, I read an article titled “iPhone 16 Pro Max Unveils New Features That Left Me Stunned!” only to discover that the author was excited about a potential new photo mode with the telephoto lens (macrophotography) without citing sources for the rumors. The author speculated on the revolutionary nature of the device without testing it. It raises questions about the possible involvement of generative AI in crafting this story. Oh, and the other article: “Why I Stopped Upgrading to the New iPhone Every Year (And You Should Too)”… I can’t wait to let someone tell me what to do. 👀🤷🏻
Compare this to my latest post about the M4 Mac mini: “The M4 Mac mini Will Be My Best Mac Ever”. I speak for myself only in the title.
Thought of the day: Watch out democrats, Trump and Vance aren’t just weirdos. They are disfigured fascists.
At the very least, I could reserve my username on Instagram and Threads, just in case. While maintaining strong principles is important, being open-minded and reasonable can also be valuable. May the night be beneficial. 😒
When one of my colleagues presents me with a text produced by ChatGPT (or any other comparable tools), I am sometimes astonished by what I read, but what interests me much more is the initial prompt that allowed the content to be produced. It helps put the results into context.
I’d like to try non-Apple mechanical keyboards because they look cool and they got stylish design but the problem with those third-party keyboards like Lofree is the lack of non-English language support.
Who is the Micro.blog community manager, again? Thanks.
I’m so proud of Celine Dion’s performance. WOW. ❤️ #openingceremony
You can’t make that shit up, right? WTF is wrong with them? 🫣🤮 sorry about this negative post right after a positive one. 🙃
Today’s positive post: it’s caseless day! I love to feel my iPhone this way in my hands! 🤗
Best new feature of iOS 18 / iPadOS 18? We can hide app names on the home screen! This post is part of a series where I try to share things that I like, things that are positive… you are welcomed. 🤓
So American. 👀
It’s been a few days since my last travel update, but a more pressing matter has been monopolizing my spare time: writing a heartfelt message for my son, who is turning 20 this September. This task holds greater significance because my message, along with others, will be compiled into a printed book as a special gift for him.
We met a couple in their thirties, from Dallas Texas, this evening at the cruise opening diner. Eventually, near the end of the diner, politics came up in the discussions. Nowadays, it’s a tricky subject and we don’t force it outselves. We quickly discovered that they were anti-Trump and very caution about the Democrats too. It’s refreshing to meet people coming from those areas of the US that shares some of our views about the US, politics and general values. I’m French Canadian, mind you.
Biden is losing much more by staying than by leaving. His career legacy will be: he lost because he didn’t want to let it go. For whom? For what? A real leader would just step back.
If democrats are really eager to govern the next five years, they will replace Biden. If Biden is a leader, he will step down. A lot of big ifs.
I finally completed the Digital Legacy Management Guide (available here on Gumroad). It comes as a Craft document that can be duplicated as a template, as well as PDF and Markdown files downloads. The goal here is to help people plan for their digital legacy handling.