Misc The RSS feed for Misc.

  • Happy April Fools day guys!!! 😀😂 I’m not going anywhere!!! You are stuck with me! Returning to normal programming! 🤗😂

  • After much thinking I decided to do some cleaning in my life. And this begins with the closure of my website here. Too much noise. Too much to maintain. Life should be about life, not digital life.

  • I should visit Techmeme website much more often than I do. I usually end up on this site by coming from a linkpost1. I should be more intentional and go directly on the site myself. I like this newspaper style.

    1. It’s probably the case for the vast majority of visitors. ↩︎

  • Still not clear if it will only rain or if we will get heavy and abundant snow. Weather forecast is predicting only rain. I’m ok with this. This winter has been so warm so far, that’s incredible. We will probably be in a drought this summer because of the lack of snow this winter. And you know what it means? Forest fires.

  • Wow, there is a thunderstorm ⛈️ right now in Montreal! Just like what would get during summer! +11C, winds. Thanks to this cold front moving in. Thanks to climate change. Tomorrow -13C. 😳🫣⛈️

  • Today is the kind of day where I feel that I’m in a constantly moving mode: from Craft to Micro.blog or Bear 2. Closing this subscription, starting a new one. And all this for what? Content preservation? Data silos fighting? It’s exhausting.

  • I wrote a little article1 explaining how I’m using Ghost’s API to “browse” published articles so that I can select an article that I want to update.

    1. On Numeric Citizen I/O blog (link). ↩︎

  • Day and night, my blog will be in dark mode. I think it better fit my avatar style.

  • I officially enabled Shoutouts on this blog! It is quite easy and fun to setup1. Happy to show support for @vincent.

    1. Easy to spot at the end of each individual post. ↩︎

  • Funny how help.micro.blog looks like a community in itself. I think it’s cool.

  • This weekend, I released the first video of the “What’s Up With Microblog” series, and today @manton is already at it with a new addition to Micro.blog: manual cross-posting. Time to prepare for the next video. But the best part: the next video will, I hope, cover the next “big” addition to Micro.blog. I have no clue what it could be, but I have a feeling that it will be exciting.

  • The blog theme switch has been completed. Still, a few issues to fix, but 95% of the job is done. Tell me what you think.

  • The work to switch my blog’s visual theme is going really well. It’s a bit easier than I thought to set the desired colour theme, thanks to the plugin’s settings and user-friendliness. I may try the switch tonight, so buckle up during the transition. Reminder: I’ll switch from TinyTheme to Cards Theme. Why? Here’s why: 1) the overall design gives some bit of depth to the content. 2) Post categories are exposed and provide an easy way to browse the blog content. 3) The theme plugin settings give some flexibility. 4) Long posts with a title look better. 🛠️

  • 🚨Hey, it’s Sunday! And you know what happens on each Sunday? The new edition of the weekly creative summary newsletter has been released! Here you go, ladies and gentlemen! Enjoy. Made with care and love. 😌

  • I decided to update the look of this blog by switching to the Cards theme by @ericgregorich. I think this theme looks cleaner and offers more possibilities than the current one by @Mtt. Here are a few highlights: better control of colours via the plugin settings web interface instead of editing CSS, support for reading time for longer posts with a title, display of post categories at the top, and more flexibility for displaying the post’s date & time, just to name a few. But I’m not ready to make the switch just yet because it requires a lot of fine-tuning to get the colours right. I also need to check for compatibility with all my current plugins and ask for a few fixes on the theme’s GitHub page. It’s another tweaking project on my plate. 😅

  • Decided to send some appreciation to @ericgregorich for his Card theme for Micro.blog.

  • 🚨So, what’s up with Micro.blog this January? Well, quite a lot, if you ask me. Here’s everything new in this short video. Tell me if this is useful. 🙏🏻 cc @manton @jean

  • Should I write Micro.blog or Microblog in everything I write about this platform. That is the question. I’m always pondering which form to use. Help me @manton 😩

  • Following my request to close my Adobe Stock account, I finally got my money for selling some of my pictures through Adobe Stock. I made a big 20 US$ directly dropped to my PayPal account. 🙂

  • Thanks to the recently introduced “one-page” site feature with Micro.blog coupled with a redirect for the root of the site ("/")1, now someone hitting “photos.numericcitizen.me” will end up on my Pixelfed profile page! I find this clever! 😌 More details in this week-end video! 🙂

    1. Also a feature of Micro.blog, just in case you asked. ↩︎