Misc The RSS feed for Misc.

  • Made a tweak to this blog: using the Footer field of the Design section (on a Micro.blog feature), I added a footer to each individual post that adds links to my other websites and my Mastodon handle. It’s a mixture of HTML and CSS. I took advantage of MacGPT to learn what was needed. I know a bit about HTML but not enough about CSS. My “assistant” helped me, again.

  • Another big snowstorm is coming over to the Montreal area. This one could produce more snow than the previous one, which gave us more rain than snow. Expect 15 - 20 cm of snow and some gusty winds. the worst will be Saturday morning, right when I’ll record my next YouTube video. For as far as I can recall, I always loved snowstorms. Image source.

  • Currently studying the PARA method for a future video. The funny thing is that without knowing it, I organize my data inside Craft, using similar principles.

  • A big one is coming toward us. In Montreal, it will be a mixture of snow and rain, limiting the total accumulation thanks to a strong influx of hot air from the southeast. Up north of St-Lawrence River, this could be totally different with more than 40 CM of snow! And winds! Can’t wait for our first “northeaster” of the season! Stay tuned for more comments about this meteorological event!

  • Appreciation of the day: putting freshly recharged AirPods Pro in the ear, while they are still warm, is in itself worth the price!

  • 1000 subscribers goal achieved! Six month later than I would have hoped. Better late than never!

  • I still struggle with the idea of writing posts directly on Mastodon or Bluesky. Replying to others who write to me directly there is ok, though, if I can’t reply from Micro.blog.

  • Merry Christmas to all my followers! 🎅🏻 In other news, I fell into a rabbit hole when I started looking at my Adobe Creative Cloud migration1. The process is far easier than I thought but it takes a little while to move files around. I could complete it before my next scheduled payment on January 8th. That is one of my 2024 goals!

    1. I’ll be moving out of it so that I can focus on the Photomator / Pixelmator duo instead. ↩︎

  • Playing Christmas music everywhere in the house using HomePods and AirPlay is quite cool. You cannot escape Christmas! 🎅🏻🎶🦌

  • Going to my sister’s house tomorrow for holidays celebration. She got a new MacBook that she wants me to configure 🤓

  • In Montreal city, two days before Christmas, there is no snow. No precipitation is expected either until maybe Dec 27th at the earliest. This is so different from what I experienced as a kid.

  • Some possible Micro.blog marketing taglines. Add you own.

    Micro.blog means Macro Power.

    Micro.blog means Macro Flexibility.

    Micro.blog means Macro Openness.

    Micro.blog means Macro Privacy.

    Micro.blog means Macro Connectivity.

    Micro.blog means Macro your take here

    Micro.blog means nothing but Macro.

    cc @manton

  • I wonder if this QR code could be my next avatar.🤔

  • Time for a shameless promotion. To #Craft users out there looking for a great calendar year template for 2024, head to Gumroad (link). Only 5$. Starting in January, the price will go up. End of the shameless ad.

  • Just finished creating my 25-minute mix! I’m slowly getting there! I’m super excited for this. For those who might ask, I’m using Djay with a Pioneer DDJ-400. #techno #technomelodic 🎧🎶🕺🏻

  • Coffee shop time! 😃 For some reason, I always test their Wifi service each place I visit. Always1. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    1. The same goes for hotels while I travel. ↩︎

  • After the My Defaults trend, here comes the My Subscriptions trend.

  • While on my desk, I want to use my iPad Pro over Ethernet @ 1 GbE (much faster than wifi) while keeping it charging. Also, it seems that it’s not possible to prioritize Ethernet over Wireless (like we can on the Mac)1. Am I missing something? Am I the only one on earth who prefers Ethernet? Any suggestion?

    1. It seems that Wifi needs to be disabled. ↩︎

  • A new goal: about security: migrating my two-factor authentication from Authy to Apple’s Keychain / iCloud Passwords. Signing into any service when using Apple’s solution is too cool and efficient to pass.

  • Getting vaccinated today for flu and Covid. Hopefully not too many symptoms in the nextt 24 hours. 😑