Travels The RSS feed for Travels.

  • Location check in 🗺 — Quick stop to visit Trogir, Croatia.

  • Travel update #10: Sibenik Take #2, Croatia

    Once again, what a beautiful day we had in Sibenik. The main objective today was to visit the three forts of the city, which offer a splendid view of the town and the islands off the coast. The weather was magnificent even though storm cells were threatening the region. Fortunately, we were spared … read more

  • My next trip to the US is to see a Sting show in New York in October. After that, I’m not planning to visit the US for at least five years. I refuse to visit totalitarian states. Fuck #Trump. Fuck those who supports this buffoon and clown.

  • On My Writing Style As a Traveler

    As you probably know, I’ve been writing and sharing my travel notes since the beginning of my trip to Croatia. I’m proud of maintaining the regularity to post each day, but not as proud of my writing itself. I can’t quite describe the quality of my writing, but when I read it back, it feels rather … read more

  • Travel update #9: Krka National Park & Sibenik, Croatia

    It’s been a day with ups and downs. We left the apartment at around 10:30 AM in direction of the Krka National Park, 45-minute drive to see some other waterfalls and translucide lakes. The first part of the visit was really nice because it was like a repeat of the other visit to the national park … read more

  • Croatian national park entrance fees are kind of steep but I appreciate the quality of the installations and general maintenance of the parks something that cannot be said of every national parks. 👌🏻

  • Travel update #8: Kornati Islands, Croatia

    Here’s today’s travel update. What a wonderful day we had, thanks to this day-cruise around the Kornati Islands, starting from Vodice’s port at 9 AM. We had lunch at around 11:30 AM, right before a 3-hour stop at one of the island (can’t remember the name!) where we could spend some time swimming at … read more

  • Travel update #7: Vodice’s Beaches, Croatia

    We didn’t do much today: taking our time early in the morning when preparing and having breakfast and then spending time on the beach and relaxing. I did some writing too, from my iPhone while sitting on my sunbathing chair. It’s far from being ideal for writing longer posts but it is what it is. I … read more

  • Location check in 🗺 — Enjoying the beach. 🤗

  • Travel update #6: Zadar + Vodice, Croatia

    Today we left for Zadar and Vodice where we will stay for five days in a small apartment. We arrived at noon in Zadar and had a nice picnic in a small park, under the shade of big trees. It was a quiet place and we wondered about how few tourists seem to be present since we arrived in Croatia. It … read more

  • Location check in 🗺 — Five-day stop right here. Can wait to walk around and discover.

  • Location check in 🗺 — What a great city! Zadar, Croatia!

  • Travel update #5: Rastoke, Croatia

    Earlier this morning, the weather was better than yesterday, so we decided to revisit Plitvicka Jezera National Park. The improved lighting allowed us to better appreciate the lake’s renowned blue and green hues, and there were fewer tourists. However, we didn’t stay as long as our previous visit … read more

  • Travel update #4: Plitvicka Jezera Nation Park, Croatia

    We left Zagreb today to go visit the Plitvicka Jezera national park. it was a two hour drive from Zagreb. After a nice and smooth ride we arrived at around 11:15 AM in the park ready to tackle the 4-6 hour circuit. Boy this place is wonderful! It took us about four hours. We had a rain shower or two … read more

  • Travel update #3: Zagreb, Croatia

    We went for another walking session in Zagreb after the rain finally went on pause in the second half of the afternoon. We visited another portion of the city before ending up near the restaurant where we planned to have dinner, a Sri Lanka restaurant called “Curry Bowl” which again was rated five … read more

  • Travel update #2: Zagreb, Croatia

    I’m currently writing this from our room as there are some heavy showers outside. We had a chance to walk a lot since morning in Zagreb and had a great lunch at the restaurant called “Heritage” which is close to our B&B. It’s a very small place where only maybe ten people can have lunch at the … read more

  • Travel update #1: Zagreb, Croatia

    First full day in Croatia. It is the morning here in Zagreb. Yesterday, we arrived and spent the first few hours wandering in the city center where all the night life is happening. It was the time to spot the places that we were to revisit later (today). We were tired following our two flights by … read more

  • I decided to use Day One for my travel journaling instead of Apple’s Journal. Reason being very simple: Day One is available on all my devices. Most of my text probably won’t be shared, but if I decide to publish someone, I’ll use the Day One export feature.

    Update: sadly, images aren’t exported while exporting in Markdown format. Not surprising, but it’s a nearly a dealbreaker.

  • Flights outlook for the day. I love Flighty.

  • Last minutes adjustments before traveling: revisited the “on vacation” focus mode on my iPhone to make sure to receive notifications from certains apps1, updated the home screen and lock screen wallpapers to be more in line with traveling mode. I also bought and installed my eSIM from Airalo2. Decided not to renew Halide subscription but will I’ll try to use it anyway over Apple’s camera app3.

    1. I’m excluding all work-related apps, of couse. ↩︎

    2. They offer a great buying experience and usually flawless when I travel abroad. ↩︎

    3. Photomator can easily open and edit images from Halide camera. ↩︎