Intel: Houston, we have a problem (follow link for the details)
I’m not a security expert but this “bug” seems quite serious. Macs not affected. AMD no affected. Trust going downhill. 😳🙁 5 years of Intel CPUs and chipsets have a concerning flaw that’s unfixable arstechnica.com/informati… read more
I’ll never really understand. I’ll never own bitcoins or this type of s*** twitter.com
I couldn’t agree me. What a waste of resources.
Here is a very personal one: getting older is accepting things that are profoundly irritating about how we lose abilities. One example: typing on the on-screen keyboard on my iPhone is getting harder and produce too much typing errors. 😔
On Apple betting too big on China. Well, I have some news for you: because of our obsession with paying low prices on everything, we pushed every company in the world to depend on China’s cheap labour. We are the ones who depends on China. Think globally, act locally.
the man in charge
With this guy in charge, we have nothing to worry about. Inside Trump’s frantic attempts to minimize the coronavirus crisis www.washingtonpost.com/politics/… read more
The sad state of buying software these days. I did pay for Enlight back then. Deleted. Too bad, it was great while it lasted.
Can you imagine when she will be 20 or 30? Can’t wait. twitter.com/zmaragoud…
Well, yes, thank you to all developers
I was an indie developer from 2009 to 2013. I made three apps that got me about $5000 in revenue. I don’t know how much per hour this represents. I loved this time of my life where after a long work day I would sit in front of my Mac to learn Obj-C, Interface Builder, etc. until later in the night. … read more
On Apple, Catalyst and ARM-Based machines...
This thread is very interesting (from Steve Troughton-Smith): twitter.com/stroughto… Reading my piece on Marzipan, now called Catalyst, dating back from March of last year, I think it did age well. 😎 numericcitizen.me/2019/03/0… read more
Images can be so powerful. twitter.com/danrather…
Interesting view about life. I’m dropping it here. TGIF. twitter.com/kocienda/…
Thought of the day: for bloggers, it is taboo thing to do to share the blog visitors statistics on social media. #blogger #bloggerlife #blogging
How do you tackle your old parents numeric life? A personal story with some hints here. Enjoy. numericcitizen.me/2019/08/0…
I’ve always been fascinated by the web service called “Notion”. Anyone here using this platform? I’m wondering if this can be useful for me and how it would fit in my current workflows. Maybe I’ll open my account there and see how it goes.
Thoughts on Noto - Elegant Note
Interesting newcomer in the note taking apps landscape: Noto - Elegant Note. Really nice design. Not sure about long term viability (remember Evernote?). Not sure about design scalability with a lot of notes. Another subscription to take care of. Not cheap for a young app. MacStories.net has more to … read more
On social networks as debating tools
You know what? When reading replies on Twitter, I rarely go past 5 replies… this is usually the point where things are getting either ugly, out of control and not related to the original tweet. This is why I think social networks are not good instruments for debate and discussions. read more
On Photoshop turning 30. The last version on which I really spent time was version 3. Other game changer apps? Multiplan. Pagemaker. twitter.com/flargh/st…
Cocooning, really?
Are we ready for a new social network? Do we need this? Judging by their website, the nice design of Cocoon certainly looks enticing. But do we need this? It will take a lot of traction to make people leave Facebook or other well established data-ungry players. I certainly hope new players to come … read more
Things I look for when evaluating an app for my own use
When evaluating a new app for my own use, the first things I look for are (in no particular order): update frequency, update notes quality, user ratings, multi-platform support (macOS, iOS, iPad support), sync mecanism used, one-time purchase vs subscription based, web service backend. I may … read more
Here is a citation of Galieo. In the age of social medias where it all comes down to opinion sharing and amplification, I find it to be disturbingly on point. twitter.com/proffeynm…