Food for thought The RSS feed for Food for thought.

  • My next trip to the US is to see a Sting show in New York in October. After that, I’m not planning to visit the US for at least five years. I refuse to visit totalitarian states. Fuck #Trump. Fuck those who supports this buffoon and clown.

  • Pressure Might Be Mounting on Apple with Apple Intelligence in Unexpected Ways

    Warning: Unsettled thoughts: I think many tech pundits are overestimating Apple Intelligence capabilities and influence potential. If Apple fails to deliver, even slightly, it might trigger a crash like the dot com crash. Some tech pundits are fast at expecting Apple to be the gateway to generative … read more

  • Could Generative AI Content Usage Be THE Biggest Problem?

    I’m wondering if the way someone elects to use generated content from generative AI models is way more potentially problematic and subject to debate than anything related to models training using content from the open web. Also: generative AI content used to train generative AI models is also source … read more

  • Maybe We Should Stop Crying Fool: We’ve Been Trained Ourselves!

    Thinking out loud about generative models training. In a way, we’ve all been trained ourselves in our life by the books we read, the movies we saw, the music we listened. Some people have been trained on very specific knowledge bodies, in very specific fields. People use this accumulated “training” … read more

  • Comparing generative AI model capacities to a school study level is plain stupid (OpenAI pretends GPT-5 to be PhD level). AI is not about intelligence just like having a PhD. The latter is a mere indicator or proxy, at best.

  • We are starting to see some cracks in the AI bubble castle… AI stock market will probably go through the same scenario as the tech bubble in the early 2000. You probably read it first here.

  • Claim of the moment: Perplexity AI ignores robot.txt files and crawls websites even when the site owner says no.

    Woah, that is not cool, at all. Even if I don’t care too much for AI bots to crawl and ingest my content, I would expect them to respect those author and site owners who decides otherwise. It’s not the best way to build trust.

  • Refreshing take also a good reminder:

    @stroughtonsmith After seeing WWDC, I’m actually buying a iPad Air M2 next to my mini 6. But I have never seen and expected iPad as anything more than what Jobs used in his introduction. Never replacing my Mac, never replacing my iPhone.

  • Two Highly Different Approaches

    Microsoft is recalling “Recall” after all, and this makes them look rather bad. This happens on the same week of Apple revealing Apple Intelligence which received a more positive set of reactions. We are witnessing two different approaches to the challenge of intelligently integrating … read more

  • Referring to this post from MacStories’ Viticci, I might be living or coming from a different planet, but I do not want to block any of my sites from AI bot crawlers, none of them, even if it is from Google, OpenAI, Apple or even Meta. I want to embrace this new era while being critical to what is happening. More to come soon.

  • It seems that we communicate less and less by words… more and more by images and videos. I find it fascinating that GenAI and ChatGPT forces us (for now) to return to written words in order to communicate and interact with GenAI tools1. Just a thought.

    1. It will probably transition to mostly voice one day, who knows? ↩︎

  • Design Is Hard

    I’ve been discussing a lot about design in general with my wife recently regarding our home improvement project. Design is hard. The process of redesigning a 3D space (a room, a bathroom) is not trivial but I think we should always try to start from a minimalistic concept from which we can … read more

  • Every designer knows this thought:

    _"Everything made around me has a form and a function. So everything had to be shaped by a designer. But who are they? Where are they? And why—if they really were designers—why were they so careless?"_

    Seeing the rise and fall of the interaction design industry I am beginning to doubt if everything really is designed in the proper sense of design, as a discipline that gives shape in the tension between thinking and acting. Things are simply carelessly produced.

    I would say: every designer who really cares knows this thought.

  • I just finished a quick Facebook session to see what’s new for my Mac Pro that I put for sale on the marketplace. I switched to my late father’s Facebook account to see if something needed attention. Nothing. Depressing. What the fuck is Facebook now?

  • @Denny wrote:

    I don’t view myself as a “content creator” and recoil at that phrase. I keep a blog as a way to stay involved in the world. Simply put, my motivation is to write, share, read, engage, learn. My contribution is a drop in the ocean and irrelevant to me beyond it being my tiny contribution to the collective whole.

    This thought really resonated with me. So much that I’m considering to replace “compulsive creator” to “compulsive contributor” in my bio. It is so much more meaningful and positive.

  • On Writing Inline Links

    Each time I write a sentence with an inline link to something else, I’m hesitating. Here are two examples. V1: When I read this article I simply couldn’t believe it. V2: When I read Gurman: No iPad Announcement Planned for March 26, I simply couldn’t believe it. Which version makes … read more

  • Not Everything Should Be "Timeless"

    Today, I came across a blog via someone’s else blogroll, and to my surprise, while browsing the blog’s content, I couldn’t find a single post with a publication date. So, let me be clear: I’m not feeling at ease when visiting a blog that don’t display publication date … read more

  • Apple seems to be on a streak of really questionable decisions regarding the App Store and the developer’s community in general that will take years for them before they can say: oh gosh, we fucked up. But it might be too late when they do because developers will be doing their things elsewhere. I’m looking for the day Apple more openly admits it is doing wrong.

  • Must Have Public Mental Health Disclaimer

    I’ve been reflecting on blogrolls deeply in recent days and started writing an article on that subject. While doing so, an idea came up and I decided to write something that I think anyone who builds and shares a blogroll should add on it as an introduction. I’m reproducing it here. This … read more

  • Never Tamper Someone's Desire for Creative Tools

    My wife gave me a surprisingly mildly negative reaction this morning when I shared with her my intention of getting a Nikon Zf mirrorless camera before going to Croatia this summer. Not because it’s not the best camera for this situation, no, because I already own an iPhone 15 Pro Max and a … read more