I'm always looking to cut the noise. Here is something new.
I’m trying something new. It is always a good idea to cut the noise when looking at the news these days. To help me achieve that, I subscribed to 1 year of @mailbrew service. Here is the fruit of this new beginning. app.mailbrew.com/apple_obs… Continue reading →
Sad news from the Omni Group 😟
I used to be a big fan of OmniFocus from The OmniGroup. After having transited to Things when version 3.0 came out, I’m now, I’m back with Apple’s Reminders. For my business need, I now only use OmniGraffle in order to do technical diagrams. My hope is that layoffs doesn’t affect too much this app’s future on which I depend. Reference :https://inessential.com/2020/03/31/looking_for_work Continue reading →
It is disgusting.
We are in a constant state of crisis. One crisis after the other. Is this the new normal? There are so many things that I find revolting right now in the US. It started a few years ago, in 2016. The following twitter thread calling the NYT to do its most basic job is so spot on. Yet, they fail again and again. Just listen to press conferences, one after the other. Continue reading →
Dark Sky weather app joins Apple
As a weather enthusiast, Apple buying Dark Sky is a very good news for at least two reasons. First, the Dark Sky app is not available in Canada. Apple will probably extend the service coverage in future releases. Second, it may signal Apple’s intentions to beef up its weather stock apps on all its platforms. Continue reading →
When you have to eat your own dog food
Now Apple will better understand how their software can be frustrating as hell… Apple staffers suffer work-from-home setbacks due to security guidelines, travel bans appleinsider.com/articles/… Continue reading →
This is why I’m so angry 🤬
The root cause of why I’m so angry at the The Clown in Chief 🤡 and the whole political class in the US. They don’t care about humans except themselves. Opinion | Who Will Win the Fight for a Post-Coronavirus America? www.nytimes.com/2020/03/2… Continue reading →
Too many questions, not enough answers ...
Some questions that come up in my mind during this pandemic crisis: Is criminality going up or down? Is there less suicides? Where do we put used testing kits and used protective gear trash after use? From where does all the government money for stimulus programs come from? What if coronavirus mutates to a much more deadly virus? Will we ever return to “normality”? And many more… Continue reading →
Remember iOS 6 -> iOS 7 Redesign - Never Again
The last time an Apple operating system went through a redesig, iOS for that matter (iOS 6 -> iOS 7), it didn’t go well. We still pay the price of this today. “The Verifier also outlines some of the features coming to watchOS 7, many of which we’ve heard before. watchOS 7 will allegedly include a “fresh design,” updates to built-in apps, and improvements to Siri, with little other information included. Continue reading →
FaceID on Mac, really?
If FaceID comes on the Mac and a by-product is to get a better FaceTime camera, then, I’m all in. A notch for the iMac is stupid and unecessary though. #apple #faceid #mac #rumours appleinsider.com/articles/… Continue reading →
Returning to Facebook because of Coronavirus? (hit the link for my thoughts)
For the first time in more than a year, I’m considering returning to Facebook. My thoughts and feelings are still the same though. But this coronavirus crisis makes me want to get in touch we people I know. I don’t have much time to spend on this platform. I know I’ll quickly face the things that I couldn’t bear. I know… but. I’m torn away. 😔 #covid19 #coronavirus #deletefacebook Continue reading →
COVID-19, Schools and Technology (hit link for more)
From what I’m seeing, the private school of my teenager where iPads are mandatory, don’t really take advantage of the possibilities of this technology. Limited remote teaching. No group chat, no nothing. That is a real reality check: the iPad as an enabling teaching device is quite overblown. More on this later. Continue reading →
Get him off Twitter
In other words, put the Clown in chief in quarantine. ‘Isolate him’: Ex-Trump official calls on president to go into ‘verbal quarantine’ during COVID-19 crisis www.rawstory.com/2020/03/i… Continue reading →
COVID-19 and my PhD Friend
I have a dear friend living in Denver, Co. He has a PhD in human comm. He is brilliant. But, he doesn’t understand all the fuss about COVID-19. For him, shutting down everything is over reacting. I tried to explain the curve, the pressure on health care system, etc. He thinks the flu is worst and yet we don’t shut down the country. I said yes and no. We shouldn’t trust current numbers in the US because they are way undervaluated. Continue reading →
On watchOS 7 and shareable watch face - an edge case example (hit link for the details)
What if a watch face uses a complication from a third-party app that the other user don’t have installed? How would this situation be handled? Highly probable edge case IMHO. watchOS 7 to include new ‘International’ Apple Watch face with multiple country flags - 9to5Mac 9to5mac.com/2020/03/1… Continue reading →
iPadOS 14, a mouse and my next iPad purchase (hit link for my take)
If iPadOS14 actually finish the job of supporting the mouse, I’ll certainly reconsider my choice of iPad the next time I’m on the market for a new device.[Poll: Will mouse cursor support in iPadOS 14 change your Mac vs iPad preference? - 9to5Mac](9to5mac.com/2020/03/0… Continue reading →
Be caution for what you ask for (hit link for my take on macOS with touch support)
A bit old but since many are still requesting it… it is much a harder to make macOS touch-friendly than making iPadOS mouse-friendly. Touch support will come to macOS via Catalyst apps and ARM-based Mac. Mark my words. That being said, from what I’m seing from people with Windows-based machines with touch support, very people actually use it on a regular basis if at all. It’s about time for a Mac with a touch interface - Macworld Continue reading →
I wish you good luck with that (COVID-19) - (follow link for my take).
Well, let me guess for you: look no further than of your (insert worst adjective here) President. Exclusive: The Strongest Evidence Yet That America Is Botching Coronavirus Testing www.theatlantic.com/health/ar… Continue reading →
Thanks to Apple for simplifying our numeric life (click link for more details)
Fascinating analysis by Jason Snell on vanishing ports from 15"/16" MacBook over the years. My take: Thanks to Apple for simplifyng our lives but the transitions are never fun. #apple #macbookpro sixcolors.com/post/2020… Continue reading →
Anxiety over #COVID-19 (follow link for details)
Are we at a turning point where there will be a before & after world as we know it? I mean, this shit is here to stay among us for a long time… right? This long streak of economic growth (since 2008) really look to be coming to an end. Young generations will find things, economically speaking, to be harsh from now on and will have to get their shit together when looking for jobs as unemployment will start to be on significant rise… I’m Gen X, I do know what is it like when future is uncertain from a jobs perspective… in case you asked. Continue reading →
Intel: Houston, we have a problem (follow link for the details)
I’m not a security expert but this “bug” seems quite serious. Macs not affected. AMD no affected. Trust going downhill. 😳🙁 5 years of Intel CPUs and chipsets have a concerning flaw that’s unfixable arstechnica.com/informati… Continue reading →