• Apple Is Telling Half the Story

    There is something incomplete in how Apple is portraying Safari as a way to stay private when surfing the web. The ad is certainly visually striking, with surveillance cameras flying over people as they browse the web on their non-iPhone devices. It’s a compelling analogy. It reminds me of … read more

  • Best new feature of iOS 18 / iPadOS 18? We can hide app names on the home screen! This post is part of a series where I try to share things that I like, things that are positive… you are welcomed. 🤓

  • Trying to Find Comforting Thoughts

    Manuel Moreale reflecting on one hundred people who took the time to sign his guestbook (I did): It’s the number of people who have taken a few minutes out of their busy lives to write something on my guestbook. One hundred doesn’t seem a lot in the grand scheme of things, especially on the web. If … read more

  • I 🥰 the new design of Photos in iPadOS 18. Probably the most controversial opinion about iPadOS this year.

  • So, iPadOS 18 beta3: nothing obvious, really. Feels snappy. Less buggy than expected. Some rough edges, of course. Autocorrect seems way better. Finally. Tempted by iOS 18 now. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

  • But Techies Will Be Happy

    Google Chrome, Along With Other Popular Chromium Browsers, Grants System Monitoring Privileges to *.google.com Domains But speaking of the DMA, Chromium is, far and away, the most popular browser engine that the DMA compels Apple to allow on iOS. There are legitimate reasons to wish that Apple … read more

  • Yep, Fucking Guns

    Great take by Gruber on this week sad but highly predictable events. The US is a sick country. Sidenote: on my last few trips, all Americans that I met told me after presenting themselves as Americans: “I know, we’re one of those stupid Americans…”. I reserve this thought mostly to Trump supporters … read more

  • Tempted to installiPadOS 18b3 for my 2024 iPad Pro. It’s not my main driver. I’m cautious about cross-device sync issues though (Photos app is an example). Anything I should’ve be watching for?

  • People are so quick to say “I don’t want him to win but I also don’t want him to die” as if there’s some prize for not wishing death on someone who does more than wish us dead. If someone in power actively attempts to do unthinkable damage to the world and people around you, just a reminder: you get absolutely nothing in exchange for kindness toward them.

    Some food for thoughts.

  • So American. 👀

  • I support LGBTQ+ cause. I read MacStories story about Threads murky management of controversial posts. My personal take is simplicistic: stop using Meta platforms. I do understand that for some people to be heard, they want to be on Meta’s platforms, though.

  • My current view: in-flight infotainment screen where we can see the flight timeline. Easily spot when meals are served. First time that I’m seeing this. I find this really cool and probably helps answer many questions from people. Side note: I’d love to see Apple build a FlightPlay user experience (CarPlay equivalent).

  • I’ve seen a few people arguing that Samsung’s Galaxy Watch Ultra, though clearly inspired by Apple Watch Ultra, isn’t a rip-off, per se, because it’s not an exact clone. Ben Thompson even tried to argue such with me on Dithering this week.

    Indeed. We have to admit it: this Samsung watch if far from being a clone of the Apple Watch Ultra.

  • Brought a book with me for vacation. Didn’t read it as I always find better things to do. Typical me. 🤷🏻‍♂️🙄

  • Finally booked my Apple Vision Pro demo session for this coming week. I’m not buying this thing but I can’t wait to try it out. Side note: during my vacation in Croatia, we went to see a museum in Split where we were handed Meta Quest headset. The experience was interesting but the visual quality left to be desired.

  • I wish there was a “Edited with” mention in Apple Photos app because sometimes I’ll use built in editing and other times I’ll use Photomator.

  • It’s time for me to return home, sadly. This vacation has been one of the best at many levels. I feel rejuvenated mentally and physically. I’ll use flight time (ten hours) to reflect on my time here in Croatia and to look forward to resume my blogging and creative activities.

  • Location check in 🗺 — Our last notorious stop in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

  • An ATM in Montenegro shows a warning asking the admin user to login to activate Windows. 😱🤪

  • Location check in 🗺 — Kotar, Montenegro. Nice place, lots of tourists. Hot 🥵