Apps & Services The RSS feed for Apps & Services.

  • A 60-minute Video Tour of Pixelfed

    I’m finally ready to share my 60-minute video tour of Pixelfed. If you’re contemplating the idea of creating your account on Pixelfed, I encourage you to do so, but after watching this video. You’ll learn about Pixelfed’s capabilities. It’s not a comparison analysis … read more

  • Finished recording an hour-long video about Pixelfed. Yep. 60 minutes. If you are on the fence, that’s the one video that you should watch. Online soon.

  • The next time someone tells me that Mastodon is complicated, I’ll respond: try Discord. You ain’t see nothing yet.

  • My experience with Pixelfed goes so well that I’m in the process of migrating my old photos from Instagram. And what comes after this migration? The IG account closure. While everyone goes wild about Threads and going in drove to Threads, I’m turning my back to this privacy nightmare and fully embracing Fediverse.

  • These are my first downloads and purchases from the App Store in July 2008. Since the iPhone 3GS came to Canada the year after, those downloads were done on the iPod touch. For many people, the iTunes Remote was the first download. I have a hard time explaining the remaining ones. I mean, I never was a reader of the New York Times after having completed my university degree back in 1993 and yet, this is the second download.

  • I spent quite some time on Pixelfed today. I shared a few photos but also started writing an article about my experience with the service. So far, I do like the experience. Much more than I originally thought. Is it because of its polished design? Or is it because of its openness and its citizenship of the Fediverse landscape? I still don’t know. I do sense a few red flags here and there, though. More on that later. But for now, I enjoy the beginning of the ride.

  • Fediverse is so fascinating and so much interesting. I searched for my handle (@numericcitizen) on the Pixelfed main page and found my account here (marked as “Remote”), on my Mastodon instance and on Pixelfed, too (obviously)! So cool.

  • A New Start: Pixelfed

    It didn’t take long. I’m now on Pixelfed (profile page). The reason it was a quick decision: I found a very specific use case for it. Since returning from my trip to Morocco, I have been looking for a way to share my best pictures with my family and friends. I prefer not to use Instagram … read more

  • Glass doesn’t support ActivityPub, so I cannot cross-post with Pixelfed supports ActivityPud, but doesn’t take advantage of it. Oh well. 🫥

  • I’m curious about Pixelfed. I’m also cautious about joining another service (I already have too many). I see two issues. One: the lack of an iPhone app (still in beta, no TestFlight slot available). Two: I’m curious as to why doesn’t support cross-posting to Pixelfed. @manton ? Also, who’s on Pixelfed here?

  • Using Day One for Travel Journaling

    When I decided to use Day One for my travel journal, I had the following requirements: Data portability is paramount (markdown, text, or textbundle); It must work offline; Integration into my existing workflow to share travel moments on; Easy data entry with as much metadata automatically … read more

  • 🤔 Pondering installing iPadOS 17 beta 3 on my 2018 iPad Pro. This is not my primary driver. There will be another beta before I leave for Canary’s Island in late July, in case Beta 3 is a disaster. I should be good to go with a more stable release and experience overall. Decisions decisions decisions.

  • I am bored. Is iPadOS 17 beta 3 stable enough?

  • Testing a new plugin for embedding YouTube videos inside a post. You can ignore it. Or not.

  • I’m Still Liking HEY Email But…

    I’ve been using the HEY email service since its introduction. This week I had to search extensively in my email history to find transaction receipts and contracts. HEY email client has a unique take visually on emails and the inbox, and you either like it or hate it. I still like it, but I feel let … read more

  • Wondering something this morning: if Threads was to offer “free” APIs, would developers embrace them or think again and remember about Twitter and Reddit snafu? I bet they would embrace them.

  • Threads is just another trick by cyberspace to divert my attention to being focused, creative, happy, hopeful, and more importantly to use me as another data point by scrapping my privacy. I say NO.

  • Call it whatever you like, design it whatever you want, release today, tomorrow, in a year, if there is one simple link with Meta, I’m out. Enough of this platform / Zucherburg. 🤮

  • I saved over $300 by cleaning up my custom domains Source: I saved over $300 by cleaning up my custom domains

    I always found those types of cleanups so satisfying. I’m almost as satisfied when I’m reading this type of blog post. Good job!

  • Does Apple know that, with the Apple Vision Pro, they have a unique opportunity to reinvent weather apps? Imagine experiencing a thunderstorm forecast in this immersive environment. Can’t wait but I’m not holding my breath.