Hello Again, Facebook!
Today, I posted something on Facebook; and honestly, it felt weird. I can’t remember exactly when I last wrote on Facebook. I also had this symptom of missing out on things from my old colleagues and friends just by glancing at my timeline for a few minutes. It felt heavy. My post was about telling my “Facebook friends” about the two sites where I share my photos online: Glass and Pixelfed. Continue reading →
I went to the Micro.blog’s Discovery section and set the category to Podcasts. I didn’t know there were that many podcasts hosted here on Micro.blog. 😳
Episode 06 — Wrapping Up 2023
It’s time to wrap up 2023! In this last podcast episode for the year😌, I reflect on twelve months of creative work. It was a busy year😅👨🏻💻, and I’m grateful for all of it.🙏🏻 Links to some of the things I’m referring to: Bye Bye WordPress — Hello (Again) Ghost My Creator Workflow My Creator toolset Craft templates for sale on Gumroad Celebrating and Reflecting on my 30 Years Career in IT Transcript Continue reading →
A Definitive Solution to a Simple Problem
I finally found the right setup to definitively fix my audio record quality. The problem triggering this endless trial-and-error journey is that the Blue Yeti microphone can be too sensitive and pick up too much background noise1. On paper, the macOS Voice Isolation recording should fix this. However, ScreenFlow 10.0.9 has issues with audio recording from a USB microphone while Voice Isolation is active2. The solution? Use Audio Highjack3 to record from the USB microphone with Voice Isolation active and output to the ScreenFlow audio capture driver. Continue reading →
Episode 05 — Sometimes It’s Better to Say No
The timing was right, and the target was well-defined, but the potential traction was far from guaranteed. Would this project be worth all the effort? Someone said: for every yes, there are a thousand no. After many weeks of thought and pondering, I decided against doing a unique project. Link: The Apple Rumors Hub Transcript Continue reading →
Yesterday at work, I was directed to listen to a podcast hosted on Podbean. I remembered that in 2019 I was sharing my podcast episodes over there, too, in addition to Apple’s Podcasts directory1. I spent some time this morning to refresh my setup. Boy, this service is “dull” to use. I wonder if it really makes a difference to post my content there.
In 2019, I experimented with podcasting but in French. It wasn’t very successful. ↩︎
Episode 04 — Did You Know?
Inspired by a recent podcast episode where Martin Feld interviewed John Gruber, for this fourth podcast episode, I decided to talk about my early years as a blogger. Links: Really Specific Stories podcast: https://pca.st/pcp6rwjs Interview with John Gruber episode: https://pca.st/i0xdkxfh, his announcement on his blog: https://daringfireball.net/linked/2023/09/20/really-specific-stories-yours-truly A reply to John Gruber about his interview: https://micro.blog/numericcitizen/23822941 Search for the “BuildingiPhoneApps” keyword on the internet archive for a glimpse of my very first blog, and locate 2010 and beyond on the timeline. Continue reading →
Episode 03 — I'm Excited and Stressed
This week, Apple will release its latest iPhone models. I’m excited. It will be an exercise of balance between news consumption, analysis and writing. It’s the perfect mix for a stressful week. 😟 Learn why in this podcast episode. Links My iPhone 11 Pro review: “From iPhone 7 to iPhone 11 Pro: The Return of Delights” My iPhone 13 Pro review: “Upgrading From the iPhone 11 Pro to iPhone 13 Pro — the Love Story Continues” Transcript Continue reading →
Episode 02 — I’m an Iterative Type of Guy
While writing my next edition of the Friday Notes newsletter (#107), I realized that writing has never been a one-stretch thing for me. It takes countless writing iterations before getting things done. In this episode, I share my anxieties 😰 about writing in general ✍🏻. Plus, a few words about my expectations for the upcoming Apple Event “Wonderlust”! 👀 Links Jean-Louis Gassée’s “Monday Note” newsletter https://mondaynote.com/. Be Inc: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Be_Inc. Transcript Continue reading →
One Podcast, Three Looks
I always subscribe to my own content distribution channels for quality control purposes 1. I’m using Overcast, Pocket Cast and Apple Podcast to display my latest podcast episode. In these screenshots, I selected the info button to display the episode details. I’m a paid subscriber of Pocket Cast. I prefer the Pocket Cast display, but it has a caching issue as it doesn’t get the latest podcast artwork, but the other two do2. Continue reading →
Episode 01 — This Is Not a Drill!
Bad weather 🌧️ means time to the coffee shop for creative work ☕ 👨🏻💻 on my next YouTube video about Craft YouTube Integration. I paid a visit to the Apple Store to get my iPhone screen replaced 🛠️. I came out without a replacement; learn why in this episode available on Apple’s Podcast. 👀 Transcript Continue reading →
Getting ready for the next podcast edition, episode number uno! Fun or not-fun fact: Apple’s Podcast Connect doesn’t support “Sign in with Apple”. Weird.
I’ve been working on this for my podcast. You can tell that I’m no graphic designer. 😆
Pilot Episode #2 — Testing, Testing, Testing, 1-2-3
This is the second pilot episode of my brand-new podcast (“Thoughts & Tribulations of a compulsive creator”). I made many changes to the recording setup. I like the results. 😊 My support templates are ready (one in Screenflow, Things and Craft) for the first real episode that should be coming soon. One last note: I discovered yesterday that Microblog will automatically generate a transcript of each episode. This is so cool! Continue reading →
It was fun but a bit more challenging to record and share my first podcast episode yesterday. Editing in Ferrite is hard on the iPhone. It would be much better on the iPad or the Mac. For some reason, talking to a microphone feels less natural than recording myself on camera for a YouTube video. 🤷🏻♂️When I shared this thought with my wife yesterday, she responded: recording yourself on camera, then delete the video track! 😳🤯 I like her.